
The history of LODGE OF FIDELITY #231 has been documented in three
booklets. The first booklet, entitled “Lodge of Fidelity, 75th Anniversary”,
outlined the period from 1870 to 1945/46. The second booklet, entitled “100
Years of Lodge History, 1870 – 1970″ again outlined the first 75 years, plus the
period 1945/46 to 1970. The third booklet, covers the period 1970 to 1995 and is
titled “Lodge of Fidelity, 125th Anniversary”. The fourth booklet, From 1996 Onwards, contains the latest period from 1996 to current day and, while still in the midst of compilation, is being uploaded on an ongoing basis


On April 29th, 1870, M.W. Pro. A. A. Stevenson, Grand Master
of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario, granted a Dispensation
to organize the “Lodge of Fidelity” on the petition of the following brethren:-
Daniel S. Eastwood, Henry Michaels, George L. Orme, Gustav Levin, Henry Gough,
A. H. Matthewman, George Crain, Chester A. Crosby, James Egleson, William Young,
George M. Rose, J. H. P. Gibson, Edmund Miles, D. P. Williams and William Rea.
At Grand Lodge meeting held in Toronto on July 14th, 1870, the recommendation
that a warrant be granted was adopted, and on September 22nd, 1870, M.W. Pro. A.
A. Stevenson constituted and consecrated the Lodge of Fidelity, No. 231,
consisting of twenty-two members, and then installed the following original

W.M  Wor, Bro. D.S. Eastwood
S.W. Bro. A. H. Matthewman
J.W. Bro. H. Michaels
Treas. Bro. Wm. Young
Sec’y. Bro. G. Levin
S.D. Bro. H. B. Merrill
J.D. Bro. Wm. Rea
D.of C. Bro. Jas. Egleson
S.S. Bro. J. H. P. Gibson
J.S. Bro. A. H. Palmer
I.G. Bro. Geo. Crain
Tyler Bro. John McCarthy

At the conclusion of the ceremonies, the Grand Master, the
Worshipful Master and other distinguished Masons were suitably

On the following day the M.W. the Grand Master, assisted by
other Grand Lodge officers laid the foundation stone of the new Court House and
the Carleton County offices, and that evening a banquet was provided in his
honour by the Carleton County Council.

At the time of the installation of Bro. A. H. Matthewman as
Worshipful Master in 1871, it was recorded that there were three initiations and
annual rental of Lodge Rooms was $50.00. It is of interest to note that Lodge of
Fidelity’s 1970 rental was $1187.00.

In February 1875, a largely attended “Lodge of Sorrow” was
held as a memorial to M.W. Bro. W. M. Wilson, Grand Master and R.W. Bro. J. D.
Harris, Grand Secretary.

An important landmark in Ottawa Masonry occurred on May 31st,
1888, when the new Masonic Hall on Sparks Street was dedicated by R.W. Bro. R.
T. Walkem, D.G.M., acting for the Grand Master. On the same day he unveiled the
monument on the Masonic burial plot at Beechwood Cemetery. That evening there
was a reception of Masons and their ladies, followed by a largely attended and
enjoyable banquet.

The annual installation of officers was originally held on
St. John’s Day; in 1891 it was changed to the regular meeting date in June and
in September 1957 was again changed to the regular meeting in May as at present.

The first twenty-three years of its existence proved to be a
great financial strain on the Lodge and in 1893 some members were of the opinion
that the Charter should be surrendered. This was voted down and means were found
to place the Lodge on a sounder financial footing.

The twenty-fifth anniversary was celebrated on January 22nd,
1896, with a Ladies’ Night and a programme of entertainment.


W.M. Wor.Bro. H. W. Wilson
S.W. Bro. S. P. Hempill
J.W. Bro. G. H. Rogers
Treas. Wor. Bro. J. A. Campbell
Sec’y. Bro. C. J. Pearson
S.D. Bro. J. A. Devitt
J.D. Bro. L. G. Morgan
D. of C. Bro. R. B. Jacques
S.S. Bro. A. Payne
J.S. Bro. C. Meade
I.G. Bro. T. G. Benbow
Tyler Bro. John McCarthy

A disastrous fire on December 3rd, 1896, destroyed the Lodge
rooms, including records, furniture and regalia. Temporary quarters were placed
at our disposal in the Oddfellows Hall, and regalia and furniture were loaned by
Eddy Lodge of Hull, Que.

New Lodge rooms at 140 Albert Street were dedicated on May
19th, 1898 by the Grand Master, M.W. Bro. Wm. Gibson. and M.W. Bro. John Ross
Robertson, P.G.M. presented a Volume of the Sacred Law, Working Tools and

At the Regular Meeting on January 16th, 1906, the Grand
Master, M.W. Bro. J. H. Burritt visited the Lodge. A First Degree was conferred
by the Past Masters with M.W. Bro. A. A. Stevenson, P.G.M., occupying the Chair.

For several years the idea of erecting a suitable Masonic
Temple had been discussed and it reached fruition in 1911 when the Masonic
Temple was incorporated with a capitalization of $100,000. Subscriptions were
received from various Lodges and individual members. The Corner Stone was laid
on October 12th, 1912, by M.W. Bro. Aubrey White, G.M., and suitable addresses
and entertainment concluded the event.

Misfortune struck again on July 17th, 1913, when another fire
destroyed all records. Temporary accommodation was made available by the
Scottish Rite until the new Temple was completed.

On January 14th, 1914, the Lodge of Fidelity had the honour
of holding the first Masonic meeting in the new Temple. Wor. Bro. C. B. Fatten
was the W.M. and Bro. (later R.W. Bro.) Chas. W. Powers was the first candidate
initiated. This was the official visit of the D.D.G.M., R.W. Bro. M. H. Steele.
About five hundred Masons, including many prominent Grand Lodge officers,

During and immediately following World War 1 there was a
great influx of candidates, and during the year 1919-1920 forty-five were
received into Lodge of Fidelity, forty-one by initiation and four by

The 50th anniversary of the Lodge was suitably celebrated in
January, 1921, with the Past Masters occupying the chairs and conferring the
Degree. R.W. Bro. Wm. Rea, a charter member and one of the original officers,
occupied the Master’s chair. The evening concluded with a


W.M. Wor. Bro. H. V. Rorke
I.P.M.  Wor. Bro. H. S. Binks
S.W. Bro. H. M. Butler
J.W. Bro. S. W. Canniff
Chaplain Bro. Rev. T. J. Thompson
Treas. Rt. Wor. Bro. H. W. Wilson
Sec’y. Wor. Bro. C. B. Fatten
S.D. Bro. A. A. Macdonald
J.D. Bro. J. R. Binks
S.S. Bro. H. F. Bode
J.S. Bro. G. W. Clauson
D. of C. Bro. R. J. Elliott
Organist Bro. A. E. Abson
I.G. Bro. A. G. S. Learoyd
Tyler Bro. R. R. Latimer

The next quarter century saw the Lodge of Fidelity make
steady progress in every line of endeavour.

During this period, Bro. Gilbert Swain, who had been
initiated into Lodge of Fidelity on October 19th, 1909, was elected to the
office of Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan in 1925.

In 1934 a Master’s Fund was created to provide assistance to
needy brethren of the Lodge. A canvas of the brethren netted the sum of $517.00
and an additional $374.00 was contributed in 1940. In 1942 the balance of this
Fund was deposited in Lodge Account No. 2 and to this is added $2.00 from
resident members dues and $1.00 from non-resident members dues annually, all of
which is used only for charitable purposes.

The Fidelity Education and Fellowship Club was organized in
1935. This Club, in which every brother is a member, is financed by voluntary
contributions and has greatly assisted the Worshipful Masters in providing
music, speakers and entertainment. Our Lodge paper, “Fidelity Highlights” is
sponsored by the Club and provides news of members and information about Lodge
activities. Over the years many devoted and able brethren have given freely of
their time and talents in compiling and editing “Highlights” and their efforts
are truly appreciated by all members, but particularly by those separated from
Lodge attendance by ill health, age or distance.

In 1941 a Life Members’ Fund was instituted to be devoted
exclusively to the needs of Life Members and their widows. As the demands on
this Fund have decreased over the years the assets have been transferred to
Account No. 2, to which reference has already been made.

A Memorial Service for the late Bro. Franklin Delano
Roosevelt was held at the Temple in May 1945 and was attended by a large number
of Masons.

On January 15th, 1946, the Lodge observed its 75th
anniversary. A large gathering of Masons heard the history of the Lodge given by
four brethren, Vy. Wor. Bro. Howard Lang — 1879 to 1900; Wor. Bro. S. W.
Canniff — 1900-1915; Wor. Bro. H. S. Binks — 1915 to 1930 and Bro. M. T. Ashe
— 1930 to1945. Special anniversary booklets containing an historical sketch,
By-Laws, Lists of members, Worshipful Masters, District Deputy Grand Masters and
Grand Masters were distributed to all brethren. A successful social evening in
the Temple on January 18th, 1946, concluded the festivities.


W.M. Wor. Bro. J. A. Ham Sr.
I.P.M. Wor. Bro. A. P. Carruthers
S.W. Bro. L. E. Strader
J.W. Bro. C. F. Howard
Chaplain Wor. Bro. R. H. Lang
Treas. V.Wor. Bro. Robt. Wilson
Sec’y. Wor. Bro. Carl Bradford
S.D. Bro. N. W. Campbell
J.D. Bro. F. Bowman
D. of C. Wor. Bro. F. A. Switzer
S.S. Bro. E. W. S. Wood
J.S. Bro. G. A. Ault
I.G. Bro. E. E. Jenkins
Organist Bro. Percy Rutledge
Tyler Bro. Henry Hannan

With the close of the 75th anniversary, a tribute must be
paid to the efforts of the late Wor. Bro. Carl Bradford, who despite serious
physical disabilities, painstakingly examined the incomplete records and
extracted the outstanding events which formed the basis of this history.


On May 17th, 1960, following the Installation of Bro. L. C.
Hipkins, the Grand Master M.W. C. M. Pitts visited the Lodge and presented 10
Fifty-Year Veterans’ medals. In his congratulatory remarks he stated that to his
knowledge this was the first time that 10 medals had been presented at one time
in any Lodge.

The Lodge made presentations to Wor. Bro. Carl Bradford on
the occasion of his retirement; to Rt. Wor. Bro. C. F. Howard on his election as
D.D.G.M.; to Bro. Percy Rutledge in appreciation of his services as Organist for
over thirty years and to Wor. Bro. J. Alf Pell on his election as D.D.G.M. A
special Percy Rutledge Night was held on October 21st, 1969, when a large number
of brethren gathered to do him honour.

A unique innovation was a Guest Night held at the regular
meeting on October 17th, 1967. Our ladies and non-Masonic couples were invited
and following a dinner the guests were taken to the Lodge room, where a short
talk on Masonry was given by Pt. Wor. Pro. M. J. Scobie, P.D.D.G.M. This Guest
Night was so successful that it was repeated in October 1968.

An interesting item appears in the annual Financial Statement
of the Lodge, entitled the “Gardner Memorial Fund”, and a few words of
explanation are offered: The late Bro. Alexander H. Gardner was initiated into
Lodge of Fidelity on May 19th, 1936. He served in the R.C.A.F. but, due to ill
health retired from the Service in 1942 to live in Arizona and later California
in an effort to regain his health. On July 15th, 1952, he passed away in
Calgary. His widow, Nancy A. Gardner, who died on September 9th, 1953,
bequeathed a portion of her estate to Lodge of Fidelity. The total amount
received was $5,669 and according to her will, could be used in whatever way
seen fit for the benefit of the Lodge. The funds were invested and most of the
interest received has been used to supplement the benevolence of the Lodge. At
April 30th, 1970, the balance to the credit of this amount was

The recent change in Estate Taxation makes it necessary for
many persons to alter their wills, and presents an opportunity for members to
consider making a bequest to the Lodge. The funds would be carefully conserved
and would be used for the benefit of our less fortunate brethren.

Between 1946 and 1970 over forty visits were exchanged
between our Lodge and Lodges in Ontario, Quebec and New York State. Lodges
visited in New York State were Watertown Lodge No. 49 and Acacian Lodge No. 709,

In its one hundred years of existence Lodge of Fidelity has
received into membership a total of 1175 members. Of this number the following
have attained fifty-year membership:

*Nelson T. Alexander Marcus J. Lamb
Reuben C. Alexander *R. Howard Lang
Albert T. Alien *J. E. Stanley Lewis
*James A. Bailie *Fred R. Low
*C. J. Bastedo W. Scott MacPherson
C. A. Bowman Harold E. Major
*James E. Boyd Robert M. McMahon
*Thos. E. Bussell *James McMillan
Fred J. Cameron *A. J. Patterson
*Ebin J. Campbell *George W. Pingle
*J. Henry Chugg *Frank A. Pownall
*J. Archibald Craig Ronald F. Price
Clifford A. Dewar Geo. Alexander Reid
Gilbert J. Doane *J. A. Richards
R. James Elliott *James A. Rodd
*Henry Hague G. Harold Rogers
James A. Ham, Sr. Percy Rutledge
*John H. Hayes *Ralph Smith
*Fred C. Horton Clifford A. Smith
W. A. Jacques *J. Leslie Stiver
St. Elmo Kent *James T. Ward
Walter G. Kent *James Woodall
George Kerr


Brethren who have been honoured for sixty years of membership

*Herbert L. Bailie *John P. Morris
*C. H. Clendenning *William F. Page
*Albert W. Dummert *William H. Rice
Herbert M. Garrison William B. Stuart
Thomas D. Higginson

Brethren who have been elected Grand Lodge

*M.W. Bro. A. A. Stevenson Grand Master
*M.W. Bro. G. Swain Grand Master, G.L. of Saskatchewan
*R.W. Bro. E. C. Barber District Deputy G.M.
*R.W. Bro. C. R. Church District Deputy G.M.
*R.W. Bro. Wm. Rea District Deputy G.M.
*R W. Bro. S. S. Davidson District Deputy G.M.
*R.W. Bro. F.W. Smith District Deputy G.M.
R.W. Bro. C.F. Howard District Deputy G.M.
R.W. Bro. J. Alf. Pell District Deputy G.M.
R.W. Bro. E. Plant Grand Senior Warden
R.W. Bro. H.V. Wilson Grand Senior Warden
R.W. Bro. J. Walsh Grand Junior Warden
R.W. Bro. C.W. Powers Grand Registrar
*V.W. Bro. J.A. Campbell
*V.W. Bro. M. Cobban Grand Lodge of Manitoba

In addition to the elected officers, the following have been
appointed to office in Grand Lodge:

*V.W. Bro. J.A. Campbell Grand Lodge of Manitoba
*V.W. Bro. F.C. Lightfoot
*V.W. Bro. Robert Wilson
*V.W. Bro. J.A. Devitt
*V.W. Bro. R. Howard Lang
*V.W. Bro. Duncan Brown
*V.W. Bro. E. E. Jenkins
*V.W. Bro. John Munro
V.W. Bro. Harold I. Morgan

Other Grand Lodge Officers who were elected Honorary Members
of Lodge of Fidelity are:

R.W. Bro. Rev. W. B. Ferry, P.G.C. G.L. of Quebec.
R.W. Bro. Garland Bayne, P.D.D.G.M 1st St. Lawrence Dist.,
G.L. of New York
R.W. Bro. Norman K. Mack, P.D.D.G.M Jefferson Dist., G.L. of
New York

Wor. Bro. W. H. Rice (W.M. 1915-16) served as Worshipful
Master of Canada Lodge, London, Eng., in 1944, and Bro. John D. Railer, of Lodge
of Fidelity is presently Senior Warden of the same Lodge.

During both World Wars, Lodge of Fidelity was represented by
many members serving in the Armed Forces and in other non-service

Over the years the Lodge has been the recipient of many gifts
which serve to remind us of happy occasions and brethren long since departed.
The following list does not include those items that will be donated at the
Centennial celebrations in late September 1970.

Silk Union Jack and Stand — Zetland Lodge No.326, Toronto,
on 50th Anniversary.

Volume of the Sacred Law — Watertown Lodge No.49, Watertown,

Set of acacia and olive-wood Gavels — Wor Bro. E.A. Devitt,
in memory of his father, Vy. Wor. Bro. J. A. Devitt.

A sword — Bro. F. M. Clauson, in memory of his father, G. W.

Altar Cloth — Bro. F. G. Anber, in memory of his father, a
member of Peace Lodge, Beirut, Lebanon.

Wood case to hold Bible and Gavels — Bro. W. D.

Dressing Gown — Osiris Lodge, No. 489, Smith’s

Silver Gavels — Watertown Lodge, No. 49, Watertown,

Compasses — Sussex Lodge, No. 5, Brockville,

Silver collection plate — Watertown Lodge, No. 49,
Watertown, N.Y.

History of Masonry in New York State — Watertown Lodge, No.
49, Watertown, N.Y.

United States Flag — Acacian Lodge, No. 705, Ogdensburg,

A casual study of the membership lists will reveal the
repetition of many family names. Of particular interest at this time is the name
Clauson. The Junior Steward of fifty years ago was Bro. Geo. W. Clauson, the
father of the present Worshipful Master, and grandfather of the present Junior

At the 115th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge A.F.
& A.M. of Canada in Ontario the Ottawa District was divided into two
Districts. On July 15th, 1970, our Lodge was honoured by the election of Pt.
Wor. John Alfred “Alf” Pell as D.D.G.M. of No. 1 Ottawa District. Rt. Wor. Bro.
Pell brings to his new office a strong background of Masonic experience, wide
friendship throughout his District and sincere dedication to his task. He has
all our loyalty and support.

It is fitting at this time to express thanks and appreciation
to the Centennial Committee, which, under the able chairmanship of Pt. Wor. Pro.
Alf Pell has laboured so zealously to make this a fitting and successful
Anniversary. Sincere thanks are also given to the many members of the Lodge who
donated to the Centennial Fund and members and friends who donated regalia and


W.M. Wor. Bro. H. L. Clauson
I.P.M. Wor. Bro. C. F. Weagant
S.W. Bro. W. K. Bangs
J.W. Bro. F. F. Lawson
Chaplain Wor. Bro. C. J. Welby
Treasurer Wor. Bro. W. G. Pell
Sec’y Wor. Bro. O. E. Andrew
S.D. Bro. J. G. Pell
J.D. Bro. G. W. Harrison
D. of C. Wor. Bro. W. A. Greene
S.S. Bro. G. R. Taylor
J.S. Bro. G. R. Clauson
I.G. Bro. R. Templeton
Organist Bro. P. Rutledge
Tyler Bro. G. Steele

“Celebrations of our Hundredth Birthday include: Divine
Service on Sunday, September 27th, 1970, 11 a.m. at McLeod-Stewarton United
Church. Dedication of new Gold Regalia and Furniture at an Emergent Lodge
meeting on Tuesday, September 29th, 1970. A dinner and reception for Lodge
members and their ladies, followed by a display of the new regalia and
entertainment, on Wednesday, September 30th, 1970. The crowning event will be
the Centennial Ball at the Skyline Hotel on Saturday, October 3rd, 1970. We, in
Lodge of Fidelity look backwards with humility and gratitude to those who have
laboured so faithfully over the past century, and look forward with confidence,
in hope that the second hundred years will be equally rewarding.” The following
poem which concluded the history of the seventy-fifth anniversary still
expresses our thoughts and aspirations:

Although our past achievements we with honest pride review,

As long as there’s Rough Ashlars there is work for us to

We still must shape the living stones with instruments of

For that eternal Mansion in the paradise

Toil as we’ve toiled in ages past to carry out the plan

‘Tis this: the Fatherhood of God, the Brotherhood of


This page is made up of a narrative describing the Lodge
highlights from 1970 to 1995, including the relocating of the Lodge from the old
Masonic Temple located at 111 Metcalfe St. Ottawa, our meeting place from 1914
to 1975, to the present location at 2140 Walkley Road, in the Southeast part of
the City of Ottawa; the awarding of the prestigious William Mercer Wilson Medal
to our Secretary Emeritus, Bro. Nicholas Samuel Mahara; and the unique situation
of having three generations of the same family active members of the

During the period 1970 to 1995, Lodge of Fidelity initiated
119 persons. Records indicate that since 1870, approximately 1300 men have
joined Masonry in Lodge of Fidelity. The membership as of 01 July 1995 stands at
154, made up of 72 Life Members and 82 Dues Paying Members.


As the Lodge of Fidelity enters its second century, it is
interesting to read an account of its founding in 1870. This bit of history has
just recently been discovered (1994) by the historian of Doric Lodge, Rt. Wor.
Bro. Ed Hare. In an extract from the minutes of Doric Lodge #58 of 05 January
1870; “We, the undersigned Master Masons of the different Lodges set opposite
our names, beg to present a Petition to the Grand Master of Canada, praying for
a Warrant of Constitution to hold a Lodge to be named LODGE OF FIDELITY, and
would respectfully solicit your kind and Brotherly recommendation”. The
signatures of 16 Master Masons representing the following 5 Ottawa Lodges were
affixed to the Petition. The Lodges were: Builders #177; Corinthian #59;
Dalhousie #571ER; Doric #58; and Peterboro #155.


The year 1970 was historic for the Lodge of Fidelity, not
only because it celebrated its 100th Anniversary, but also because in that year
the former Ottawa Masonic District was split into two Districts known as Ottawa
District 1, and Ottawa District 2. The first DDGM of Ottawa District 1 was Rt.
Wor. Bro. J. Alfred Pell. His close friend Rt. Wor. Bro. Kenneth Nesbitt was
named DDGM of Ottawa District 2. Lodge of Fidelity was also fortunate to have as
Worshipful Master, Wor. Bro. Howard Clauson. Fortunate because the Clauson name
has been associated with Lodge of Fidelity for many years.

1970 was a good year for Lodge of Fidelity. In October, Wor.
Bro. Jim Ham Jr. was invested as Jr. Warden by Vy. Wor. Bro. Harold I. Morgan.
Wor. Bro. Ham, a member of the Lodge since 1950 had recently returned to Ottawa
from Lahr, Germany, where he was Charter Master in 1968 of Black Forest Lodge,
#901, UVL Germany. In November, we had the pleasure of presenting to Bro. Dr.
Thomas Doyle Higginson his 60 year lapel pin and card.


At the Regular meeting in January 1971, a motion was
presented for the closing of the Centennial Fund, with all remaining funds
placed into the Gardner Fund. A donation of $1000.00 was made to the Shriners
Hospital in Montreal.

In March, with our wives and friends, we sat down to a good
old fashioned supper of Irish stew. In proper style, a receiving line made up of
the W.M; the S.W; the J.W. and their wives, greeted our visitors and guests.
Following the supper Wor. Bro. “Dib” Welby gave a very interesting talk on
Masonry in General. This was followed by Wor. Bro. Jim Ham Jr. explaining the
furniture, furnishings and regalia of the Lodge, in the Lodge

An engineering study done in early 1971, concluded that the
Temple on Metcalfe Street was rapidly becoming unsafe and that new accommodation
must be considered. Accordingly, a Committee was set up to investigate. Rt. Wor.
Bro. J. Alf Pell was our representative. Later in the year, V. W. Bro. Birkett
Lishman, a member of the Committee, gave a presentation for a proposed new
building which would be constructed on Walkley Road in the Southeast part of

Towards the end of 1971, each Lodge was sent a questionnaire
outlining certain proposal regarding a new Temple. Lodge of Fidelity voted by
standing vote on each item in the proposal. The results were that the members
were in favour of a new Temple, but against the basic building plan as
presented, as it was considered there were just too many deficiencies and

The May meeting, 1971, saw the installation of Bro. William
(Bill) Kirby Bangs as Worshipful Master; Wor. Bro. Jim Ham Jr. as Senior Warden;
and Bro. Jack Pell as Junior Warden. Vy. W. Bro. Charlie Sharp was the
Installing Master. Wor. Bro. Howard Clauson gave notice that at the next regular
meeting he would move that the Lodge By-Laws be amended to include the words “to
be ex officio, a member of all committees” to the duties of Secretary. M. W.
Bro. Stanley Maynard, a PGM of Prince Edward Island, was made an Honorary member
of our Lodge. Vy. W. Bro. Charlie Sharp was presented with the “dress and
undress” regalia of a Grand Steward. He had been the District Secretary for Rt.
Wor. Bro. Alf Pell when he was DDGM in 1970. The year 1971 ended with a
fraternal visit from the Brethren and their wives of Watertown Lodge #49, of
Watertown, New York.


In May 1972, Vy. W. Bro. Sharp, as Installing Master,
installed Wor. Bro. Jim Ham Jr. as Worshipful Master; Bro. Jack Pell as Senior
Warden; and Bro. Gordon Harrison as Junior Warden.

At the September 1972 meeting, we were informed that a site
on Walkley Road, 5.2 acres in size, had been accepted as the location for a new
Temple. One month later, Lodge of Fidelity voted in favour of building a Temple
on the selected site.


To assist in the financing for the new Temple, Bro. Jack Pell
moved that our free assets, up to the pro-rated shares of the new Temple fund,
be committed to assist in closing the purchase agreement for the Walkley Road
site. On 17 April 1973, the Committee of General Purposes recommended that the
Lodge give the sum of $7,000.00 to the new Temple Company to enable the purchase
of the land on Walkley Road.

May 1973 saw the installation of Bro. Jack Pell as Worshipful
Master. The Installing Master was his father, Rt. Wor. Bro. Alf. Pell. The
Master’s obligation was given by Wor. Bro. Bill Pell, the uncle of the Wor.
Master. A goodly number of Past and Present Grand Lodge Officers were in


1974 opened on a sad note when the members were called to
attend the funeral of Wor. Bro. William (Bill) Pell.

It was announced at the January meeting that the Lodge has
raised $9,000.00 towards the cost of the new Temple. This is 1/3 of our

At the March 1974 meeting, Mr. Nicholas Samuel Mahara was
initiated. He was to become our Secretary for 15 years, 1978-1993. It was also
announced that an offer of $300,000.00 had been received for the old Metcalfe
St. Temple. It was accepted.

In May, Bro. Gordon Harrison was installed as Worshipful
Master. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell, the outgoing Master, was presented with his Past
Master’s jewel by his father Rt. Wor. Bro. Alf Pell.


1975 started off with a bang. The Lodge made a profit of
$2,000.00 from the New Year’s party. We turned this profit over to the New
Temple Fund Raising Committee.

The March meeting saw the Past Master’s exemplify the Second
Degree under the direction of Vy. W. Bro. Charlie Sharp. The candidate was Bro.
Edward (Ted) Harvey. Wor. Bro. Jim Jones of Chaudiere Lodge presented to Lodge
of Fidelity library, 5 volumes of the Masonic Encyclopedia.

An invitation was received from Zetland Lodge, Toronto, to
help them celebrate their Centennial on 21 April 1975. Lodge of Fidelity and
Zetland have been close friends for many years. The Union Jack displayed in our
Lodge is a previous gift from Zetland Lodge.

At the Regular meeting in March, Bro. Barrie Chamberlin moved
that the initiation fee be increased to $150.00. It would include the cost of a
Master Mason’s Apron as well as the Grand Lodge Master Mason’s

The Emergent meeting in May saw the last two lodge candidates, Mr. Kenneth Leroy Reid and Mr. Julius Isidore Hirst, initiated in the Metcalfe
Street Temple. Mr. Hirst, being the junior of the candidates, was the last
person to be initiated at the old Temple.

1975 saw the closing of the Metcalfe Street Temple with the
various Lodges seeking temporary accommodation. Lodge of Fidelity chose to hold
their meetings at Carleton Lodge Carp. Our first meeting took place on 15
September 1975.

Many things change. Wor. Bro. Jim Ham takes over as Editor of
Highlights, and Marquardt Printers take over the printing of the Summons and
Highlights from Westboro Printers.

At the October meeting, Bro. Julius “Chick” Hirst was passed
to the Fellowcraft Degree. He was the first candidate to be processed at
Carleton Lodge. It was a bitterly cold evening as the furnace custodian had not
turned on the furnace . The meeting was very short.

Rt. Wor. Bro. Pell announced that good progress was being
made on the construction of the new Temple. The Grand Master, Most Worshipful
Bro. Eric Nancekevell, is to lay the cornerstone on 31 October 1975. This proved
to be a very auspicious occasion. In attendance were Rt. Wor. Bro. Raymond
Shane, DDGM Ottawa District 1; Rt. Wor. Bro. Alf Pell, a Director of the
Corporation; and many Grand Lodge Officers, also, many Brethren and

The December 1975 meeting was special with Rt. Wor. Bro.
Cecil Howard being presented with his 50 year lapel pin and card by Vy. Wor.
Bro. Harold Morgan. V. Wor. Bro. Morgan recounted that he had sponsored Rt. Wor.
Bro. Howard into Masonry in Fidelity in 1922. Bro. Hirst was raised to a Master
Mason. The evening was much warmer than that of October.


At the March 1976 meeting, Rt. Wor. Bro. Alf Pell announced
that the contractor for the new Temple had almost finished the interior. This is
good news as it signifies that we can return to Ottawa for our meetings in the
Fall. However, to help lessen the costs, the Brethren will do the interior
painting. Bro. Colin Brown donates 200 gallons of paint for this purpose. Lodge
of Fidelity calls for volunteers.

On 2 April the Lodge lost one of its pillars of strength when
Wor. Bro. “Dib” Welby passed to the Grand Lodge above.

To honour our financial commitment, Lodge of Fidelity borrows
$10,000 from the bank.

Wor. Bro. George Byers was called to the Grand Lodge above on
20 March 1976. He was Wor. Master of the Lodge in 1964/65.

The May meeting held 18 May, saw Bro. Edward “Ted” Harvey
installed as Worshipful Master. The Installing Master was W. Bro. Jim Ham Jr..
Rt. Wor. Bro. Alf Pell announced that the contractor had completed the interior
of the new Temple. With this news we conclude a year and a half of meetings at
Carleton Lodge Temple Carp. We look forward to meeting in the Fall in the new
Walkley Road Temple. We are most grateful to Carleton Lodge in permitting us the
use of their facilities for the past 18 months.

The first meeting in the new Temple was held on 21 September
1976. We believe we are again following tradition by conducting the first degree
in the new Temple. A motion to purchase a silver plate and present it to
Carleton Lodge Carp was approved.

Saturday night, 16 October 1976, was special in that an
informal party was held for our departing Secretary, V. W. Bro. Ted Andrew. Over
100 members and friends assembled in the Lounge of the new Temple. On behalf of
the Lodge, Wor. Bro. Ted Harvey made a presentation of a well filled wallet to
our Brother thanking him for his many years as an Officer, Worshipful Master and
Secretary of the Lodge.

The annual installation and investiture meeting in May saw
Bro. George Clauson installed as Worshipful Master by his father W. Bro. Howard
Clauson. W. Bro. Jim Ham Jr. presented the outgoing Worshipful Master with a new
Past Master’s Jewel.


We began the Fall of 1977 with a fraternal visit from the
Brethren of Acacia Lodge #705, Ogdensburg, New York. on 8 October. Wor. Bro.
Peter Terriah and his team exemplified a 3rd degree as done in the USA. Very
different to our own. Our Worshipful Master acted as the candidate and was made
an honorary member of Acacia Lodge.

At the December meeting it was decided to reactivate the
Finance Committee to revue the Lodge’s financial situation and make
recommendations for dues increases as necessary.


In February 1978, Wor. Bro. Jack Pell proposed that the Lodge
build a patio at the rear of the new Temple. Work to be started in late

Following a detailed review of our financial position, it was
proposed at the March 1978 meeting that the dues be increased to $55.00 per
resident and $30.00 for each non resident. A resident is defined as one residing
within the boundaries of the Ottawa Carleton Region. The initiation fee is to
increase to $200.00. The new fees to be effective on 01 May 1978.

Bro. Robert Glen Gordon was installed as Worshipful Master at
the mid May meeting. The installing master was Wor. Bro. Lyle Francis. Wor. Bro.
George Clauson, the outgoing Master, was presented with a Past Master’s jewel by
his father Wor. Bro. Howard Clauson. Of special note is that at this meeting
Bro. Nicholas Mahara was invested as Secretary, a post that he would hold until
May 1993.


The 1978/79 Masonic year started on a high note. Rt. Wor.
Bro. Alf Pell was coroneted a 33 degree Scottish Rite Mason in

In early November we paid a fraternal visit to Acacian Lodge,
#705, Ogdensburg, New York where our Lodge exemplified a Canadian 3rd degree.
Their Wor. Master acted as the candidate, and was made an Honorary member of

The Official visit of the DDGM, Rt. Wor. Bro. Ross Thomson,
in November saw a record attendance. The Tylers register shows that 179 members
and visitors signed in. The attendance was complemented by the names of 27 Grand
Lodge Officers, past and present, hailing from St. John, N.B. to Eatonia, Sask.
The DDGM, was introduced by Wor. Bro. Jack Pell. A special guest and friend of
Fidelity , Rt. Wor. Bro. Reginald Hoddy, Grand Junior Warden of Ontario, was
warmly greeted ,as was Rt. Wor. Bro. Jim Jones, DDGM, Ottawa District 2.

The December 1979 meeting saw the first of the annual Family
nights, when we invited our wives and friends to join with us for a sit down
supper and entertainment. Rt. Wor. Bro. Alf Pell gave a very interesting
presentation on the History of our Lodge which is now in its 109th

A thank you letter from Wor. Bro. Gordon Thomas, Worshipful
Master of Prince of Wales Lodge, #371, was read by the Secretary, thanking the
Lodge for our gift as part of their Centennial celebrations.

At the May meeting. Bro. Gordon Chamberlain was installed as
Worshipful Master. The installing master was Vy. W. Bro. Charlie Sharp who is
the uncle of Bro. Chamberlain.


At the September meeting Wor. Bro. George Clauson was
presented with a beautiful citation from Grand Lodge for his participation in
Project H.E.L.P. (Hearing for Every Living Person), which was an outstanding

In December it was announced that Fidelity won the runner’s
up trophy for curling for the first time.

At our March meeting, the Finance Committee announced that
the Initiation fee was to be increased to $250.00, $50.00 of which would go to
the Life Member’s Fund. The Affiliation Fee remains at $25.00.

The Lodge undertook a new Project in March to raise at least
$1,000.00 to assist in purchasing a BURNS water bath at the Children’s Hospital
of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa.

It was announced in April that Fidelity has come through
again and has already raised $1186.00 for the BURNS project. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell
also announced that the Patio project is GO. Construction starts in the

In May 1980, Bro. Jim Hatch was installed as Worshipful
Master. Wor. Bro. Jim Ham was installing master. A surprise, but welcome, visit
was paid to our Lodge by Most Wor. Bro. Howard O. Polk, Grand Master and Rt.
Wor. Bro. Reg Hoddy, Past Grand Junior Warden of Ontario.

The Fall 1980 season starts off well with a cheque for
$1500.00 being presented to Wor. Bro. Beach for the BURNS project. As well, the
Patio project is well under way. The BBQ held during the early summer with the
members of Doric Lodge was a resounding success. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell was elected
DDGM, Ottawa District 1, at Grand Lodge in July. Wor. Bro. Ted Harvey was
selected as District Secretary.

A small group including the DDGM, District Secretary, and the
Worshipful Master, visited Bro. Dr. Thomas Doyle Higginson on his 99th birthday
to present him with his 70 year pin.

The DDGM visit in November was another success, 202 members
and friends, representing 47 GL Officers, 7 W.M’s, 50 P.M.’s and 90 members and
guests were welcomed by the Worshipful Master.

We ended 1980 with the annual Family night, including the sit
down supper and entertainment. We especially honoured 15 widows of former


1981 started off with an appreciation from the Lodge to Wor.
Bro. Ted Harvey for constructing a special cart to move our regalia to and from
the lodge room and our locker. The wooden stands for the Deacons and Stewards
wands were also the work of our Wor. Bro.

In April 1981 the By-Laws were amended with Life Membership
being changed from 25 years to 35 years. This was necessary to eliminate a
perceived imbalance which would occur in a few years. Wor. Bro. Lyle Francis,
the Chairman of the Life Members Fund suggested that Life Members pay half dues.
It was not approved. The Finance Committee recommended that the Initiation Fee
be increased to $300.00 which was approved.

In May, Bro. Jack Hogg was installed as Worshipful Master by
Wor. Bro. Ted Harvey. Wor. Bro. A. Foard, a Past Master of Liberton Lodge #1201,
Scottish Constitution, Edinburgh, Scotland, and a cousin of Wor. Bro. Hogg,
presented the new Worshipful Master with an engraved set of Square and
Compasses. Wor. Bro. Jim Ham presented the outgoing Master, Wor. Bro. Jim Hatch
with a Past Master’s jewel previously worn by Wor. Bro. Jim Ham Sr. On 25 May,
Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell paid his last visit as DDGM to Fidelity.

September 1981 was very special for the Lodge for we saw Wor.
Bro. Ted Harvey presented with the dress and undress regalia of a Grand Steward
by PDDGM Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell. Shortly after, Bro. Dr. Thomas Doyle Higginson
was visited at his home by the Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother Howard O.
Polk; Vy. Wor. Bro. Ted Harvey, and Worshipful Master, Wor. Bro. Jack Hogg, on
the occasion of his 100th birthday. Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell presented to the
Lodge a set of Pedestal Markers for the Wor. Master, the Senior and Junior
Wardens. The proper names for these markers is “antipendia”.

At the October meeting Vy. Wor. Bro. Ted Harvey made a unique
presentation to the Lodge in the form of a gold plated Infantry Officers dress
sword, formerly owned by a Lt. Col. Caron, now retired. Col. Caron is Vy. Wor.
Bro. Harvey’s Son-in-Law.

An evening of Masonic Education under the direction of Bro.
Bruce Holmes made up the November meeting. At the conclusion of the meeting, Vy.
Wor. Bro. Ted Harvey presented to the Lodge a podium which he had made for such
occasions. This completes his project of making furnishings for the

On the 17 November 1981, we received Rt. Wor. Bill Cook,
DDGM, on his Official Visit. He was introduced by his good friend Rt. Wor. Bro.
Jack Pell, who had been DDGM in 1980. A bequest of $100.00 was acknowledged with
thanks from the Estate of our late Bro. Delbert Fenton. It will be applied to
the Life Members Fund. A note was received from Wor. Bro. Walter Ford informing
us that he is now District Secretary of Toronto District 2.

Bro. Dr. Thomas Doyle Higginson, 100 years of age, was
presented with his 70 year Pin and Card. Our oldest Brother was given a standing
ovation. Bro. Secretary, Bro. Nick Mahara, officially announced the formation of
a Lodge Secretary’s Association in Ottawa District 1.

Mr. Norman Grant Allingham submitted an application for
membership at the December meeting. Mr. Allingham was to become Worshipful
Master of our Lodge in 1989/90, and subsequently Worshipful Master of Prince of
Wales Lodge in 1992/93; 1993/94; 1994/95.


The Regular meeting in January 1982 was special as it was
dedicated to Rt. Wor. Bro. J. Alfred Pell. There were 38 Lodges represented,
accounting for 46 Grand Lodge Officers; 14 Worshipful Masters; 55 Past Masters;
and 76 members and friends. Following the Degree, Vy. Wor. Bro. Sharp gave a
very interesting ,and informative address about Rt. Wor. Bro. Pell. The Tylers
Register for the evening showed, that in attendance, there were 1 PGM; 3 DDGM’s;
19 PDDGM’s; 4 GS’s; 13 PGS; 1PGJW; 1 PGDofC; 1PSW; 1PGR; and 1GP. A wonderful and unique evening.

In February our By-Laws were again amended to reflect rising
costs. Resident dues were raised to $75.00 and non-resident to

At the Emergent meeting held on Saturday 29 May 1982, Mr.
Norman Allingham was initiated. The meeting was preceded by a soup luncheon. The
candidate remarked that the day seemed to be the hottest day of the

At the September 1982 Regular meeting, we were informed that
Bro. Ross Potter had been inducted into the Ottawa Sports Hall of Fame, in May
1982. Wor. Bro. Howard Clauson was given a standing ovation on his being
coroneted a thirty third degree Mason by the Supreme Council of Scottish Rite

October 1982 saw our Lodge gaining a new member with the
affiliation of Bro. Lorne King, a former member of Fort Prince of Wales Lodge #
19, Fort Churchill, Manitoba.

In November we added another father/son combination with the
initiation of Mr. Larry Harvey, son of V. Wor. Bro. Ted Harvey.

At the emergent meeting in December, Bro. Norman Allingham
was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason and presented with a masonic
lapel pin by Vy. Wor. Bro. Ted Harvey. This is the first time this presentation
has been made. Bro. Harvey intends to continue this practice. Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack
Pell as our Finance Committee chairman gave notice of motion that our Financial
Account be amalgamated with Account #2 (Gardner Account). This means that from
now on there will be only three main Accounts: Operating, Gardner, and Life

Rt. Wor. Bro. Alf Pell moved that the Lodge grant Honourary
Membership to our hard working Secretary, Bro. Nick Mahara. The motion

In February, the Lodge honoured Bro. Mahara with a sit down
supper and roast. Wor. Bro. Dudley Fraser, a Past Master of St. Andrews Lodge,
and founding member of the Lodge Secretaries Association presented Bro. Mahara
with a suitably inscribed walnut plaque and scroll on behalf of that
organization which is so close to the heart of Bro. Mahara.

At the meeting in March, Wor. Bro. Ellsworth Wood was
presented with a 50 year medallion previously worn by Wor. Bro. James Hill
(W.M.1902/03). The medallion was given to Wor. Bro. Hill in recognition of his
50 years as a Mason (1897/1947).

The installation meeting in May saw Bro. Earl Holtzman assume
the chair of King Solomon. Wor. Bro. Howard Clauson was the Installing Master.


The Official visit of the DDGM, Rt. Wor. Bro. Owen Osborne,
in November started the Fall season off on the right foot. There were 250
members and visitors in attendance to see Mr. John David Pell, the son of Rt.
Wor. Jack Pell, and grandson of Rt. Wor. Bro. J. Alfred Pell, initiated into
Masonry. Our visitors included 23, 33 degree Scottish Rite Masons under the
direction of Ill. Bro. George Schaef, Active Member, Scottish

There was also a large delegation of past and present Grand
Lodge Officers, Shriners, Members of Tunis Temple Shrine Club, and Scottish Rite
Masons. The DDGM was introduced to the members and to the Lodge by Wor. Bro. Jim
Ham, a long time friend of Rt. Wor. Bro. Osborne. This is probably the first,
and only time, that higher concordant bodies were represented in a Craft Lodge
by their Masters. Wor. Bro. Jack Hogg was presented with a Certificate of
Appreciation from Heritage Lodge for his efforts in promoting Black Creek
Village, a Masonic Heritage Project, by the Masons of Ontario.

The meeting in March was again unique to Fidelity in that a
special team of Past Grand Lodge Officers, under the guidance of Rt. Wor. Bro.
J. Alf Pell, conferred the Master Mason degree on Bro. David Pell (Alf’s


In 1984 Forget-Me-Not lapel pins were presented to Bro. Dave
Pell and Bro. Bill Dormer by Bro. Peter Pate a visiting brother and former
member of Dominion Lodge, #848, Baden Sollingen, Germany. This is the first, and
probably the only time, that such a presentation will take place in our Lodge.

At our May installation meeting, Bro. Brian Richard
Chamberlin was installed as Worshipful Master by Wor. Bro. George

Congratulations to the Lodge. We have won for the first time
the Blood Donor Trophy. This trophy, donated to the Ottawa District by our Wor.
Bro. Bill Pell, and named after Dr. McIntosh, who organized the Ottawa Masonic
Blood Donor campaigns, is awarded to the Lodge reporting the greatest number of
Blood Donations during a Masonic year. In 1984 it was Lodge of

In October we were informed that Bro. Norman Jackson was
relocating to Kingston, Ontario where he is to take up the position of City
Solicitor. We wish him well in his new endeavour.

November saw Rt. Wor. Bro. Gordon Thomas, DDGM, pay his
Official visit. The Dr. McIntosh Blood Donor trophy was presented to the Lodge
by the DDGM.


In January 1985 to start off the new year, the Past Masters
initiated Mr. Arthur Allan Johns.

As per custom Bro. Walter Webb was installed as Worshipful
Master at the May Regular meeting. The installing Master was Vy. Wor. Bro. Ted
Harvey. As Bro. Webb was a member of the Tunis Oriental Band, a goodly number of
his Band brothers were present as special visitors. Wor. Bro. Brian Chamberlin,
the outgoing Master was presented with a Past Master’s jewel previously worn by
Col. Wor. Bro. George Rogers (W.M.1930/31). The annual Bar B Q held on 19 June
proved again to be a huge success. Over 120 members, families and friends
enjoyed their steaks, potato, salad and dessert, expertly cooked by Alf Pell,
Lloyd Moar and a host of volunteers.

December 1985 rounded off a good year with our Family night
again a huge success.

1986 :

At the annual Move -Up night in February 1986, Wor. Bro. Bob
Gordon assumed the chair of Wor. Master and initiated Mr. Maurice Broverman into

A special Emergent meeting and Roast was held on 30 April
1986 for Wor. Bro. Jim Ham. In attendance were PDDGM’s Owen Osborne, Bill Cook,
Ross Thomson, Ron Falconer, Alf Pell, Jack Pell; PGM (Sask.) M. W. Bro Sam
Leach; Vy. Wor. Bro. Jim Heffel, PGW; Vy. Wor. Bro. Bill Hall, PGD of C; Vy.
Wor. Bro. Gordon Ford, PGS.; Wor. Bro. Lloyd Moar gave a moving address and
charge quoting from the final charge at installation, on the attributes and
contribution to Masonry by Wor. Bro. Jim Ham.

At the Regular May meeting, Wor. Bro. Bob Gordon was
installed into the chair of King Solomon for the second time.

To end the spring of 1986/87, another successful Bar-B-Q was
held in early June. The weather co-operated again with us.


The Fall session of 1986/87 started off well with the City of
Ottawa dedicating a small park at the corner of Lynda Lane and Billings Ave. in
the Southeast part of the City to Wor. Bro. Robert Andrew Russell. Over 100
Masons and friends were present.

A new Grand Lodge project named VOICE (Assistance for Hearing
Impaired Children) kicked off under the Chairmanship of Wor. Bro. Walter

The Official Visit of the DDGM, Rt. Wor. Bro. Ab. Sewell, in
November was well received. There were 68 members and visitors. A gold watch
fob, formerly worn by Bro. James Tilley Ward and presented to him in recognition
of his military service in 1914/18.was turned over to the Ottawa Masonic Temple
Corporation to be displayed in Memorial Hall.

Family Night in December took on a different twist. Short
presentations were made on Masonry in general with speakers from the Shrine,
Order of DeMolay, Order of Rainbow for Girls, Order of Eastern Star, Royal Arch
and Scottish Rite. Later, Wor. Bro. Jim Ham escorted those interested in a tour
of the Masonic Temple.

Following the January 1987 Emergent meeting, at which Bro.
Maurice Broverman proved himself in an exemplary manner, the video “The Man Who
Would Be King” was shown in the Lounge. Most interesting.

A bequest of $500.00 was received from Mrs. Alma Howard, the
wife of Bro. Stanley Howard to be placed into the Life Members Fund, and of
$200.00 from Mrs. Audrey Benedict, daughter of Bro. Peter

At the installation and investiture meeting in May, Wor. Bro.
Bob Gordon expressed his sincere thanks to the Brethren for their support during
his year as Worshipful Master for the second time. Bro. Bernard Parsons was
installed as Worshipful Master. Wor. Bro. Bob Gordon as outgoing Master, thanked
the Lodge for a suitably engraved BAR to be attached to his Past Masters jewel.
Grand Lodge has recognized our Lodge by granting Grand Steward Rank to Wor. Bro.
Jim Ham. He will now carry the title of Very Worshipful. Regalia, both formal
and informal, was presented by Rt. Wor. Bro. Alf. Pell. The regalia was
previously worn by Vy. Wor. Bro. O.E. “Ted” Andrew, a Past Master and Secretary
of the Lodge. Wor. Bro. Gordon Chamberlain presented to the Lodge, a Master
Mason apron in mint condition, formerly worn by Bro. Percy Munharvey of
Chesterville. This was a gift from the Munharvey family.


The DDGM, Ottawa District 1, Rt. Wor. Bro. Grant Bowman, paid
his Official visit to the Lodge in November. Vy. Wor. Bro. Ted Harvey spoke on
the recent funeral of our late Wor. Bro. Bob Gordon. It was one of the largest
turnouts of Masons in recent history. Rt. Wor. Bro. Oliver Benedict, PGW Quebec,
was introduced as our Lodge’s newest Honorary Member. He is the son-in-law of
our late Bro. Peter Nielsen.

In January 1988 the Lodge presented Vy. Wor. Bro. Ted Harvey
with a set of undress regalia of a Grand Steward.

At the April meeting, Bro. Larry Harvey, son of Vy. Wor .Bro.
Ted Harvey, was elected Worshipful Master. A complimentary letter from Rt. Wor.
Bro. Ron Campbell, PDDGM, and Chairman of Project Voice for our District was
read thanking the Lodge for its contribution of $2125.00 to the

We were pleased to be informed by Grand Lodge at the May
meeting that our application submitted to Grand Lodge to award the William
Mercer Wilson Medal to Bro. Nicholas Mahara has been approved. This medal is
awarded to a member who is not nor will ever be a Past Master or Worshipful
Master. It is regarded as the “VC” of Masonry ,a nice tribute to our longtime
Secretary. Bro. Larry Harvey was installed as Worshipful Master by his father
Vy. Wor. Bro. Ted Harvey. Wor. Bro. Bernie Parson, the outgoing Master was
presented with a Past Master’s jewel previously worn by our late Vy. Wor. Bro.
Ted Andrew.

In June we were advised that our Lodge had again won the Dr.
McIntosh Blood Donor Trophy for the greatest number of Blood donations in our
District over the past year. The trophy was originally donated by Wor. Bro. Bill
Pell, a former Past Master of our Lodge in memory of Dr. McIntosh who
inaugurated the Masonic Blood Donor program in Ottawa.

The first item of business at the September meeting saw a
Notice of Motion made by Vy. Wor. Bro. Jim Ham that the William Mercer Wilson
Medal be awarded to Bro. Nick Mahara. This motion can only be made after Grand
Lodge has approved the submission by the Lodge. We were very pleased to hear
that Wor. Bro. Lloyd Moar has been coroneted a thirty third degree Mason by the
Supreme Council of Scottish Rite Masonry at Vancouver on September 8.

The November 1988 meeting was unique in that Bro. Nicholas
Samuel Mahara was presented with the William Mercer Wilson Medal by a very
distinguished gathering of Masons. 105 Masons signed the Register. Rt. Wor. Bro.
Ed Hare, DDGM Ottawa District 1 made the presentation. Wor. Bro. Dudley Fraser
presented an engraved solid walnut plaque and scroll on behalf of The Lodge
Secretaries Association, of which Bro. Mahara is a founding member and its
President since inception in 1980.


The February 1989 meeting saw something different for our
Lodge when Vy. Wor. Bro. Jim Ham hosted a fourth degree Table Lodge as regularly
performed in England and Germany.

In May, Bro. Norman Allingham was installed as Worshipful
Master. Rt. Wor. Bro. Alf Pell was the Installing Master. The new Master was
clothed with a Past Master’s apron previously worn by Wor. Bro. George Byers of
our Lodge. He was presented with a hand carved gavel on behalf of his wife
Terry. Wor. Bro. Larry Harvey, the outgoing Master was presented with a Past
Master’s jewel previously worn by Wor. Bro. Bob Gordon (W.M.78/79 and

Wor. Bro. Lloyd Moar informed us at the September meeting
that Wor. Bro. George Clauson had been coroneted a thirty third Mason at the
Supreme Council Meeting of Scottish Rite Masonry held on 14 September

An interesting event occurred shortly after the November
meeting when 12 Widows pins were distributed to the wives of our former members.
These pins were very much appreciated by the recipients.

A special Grand Lodge Citation Certificate was presented to
Vy. Wor. Bro. Ted Harvey, on behalf of the Masonic Foundation of Ontario, by Rt.
Wor. Bro. Ronald Campbell, PDDGM, for his untiring work throughout the Alcohol
and Drug Awareness campaign to which Lodge of Fidelity contributed nearly
$5,000.00. We are #1 in the Ottawa Districts.

The Installation and Investiture meeting on the 15 May was a
one in a lifetime meeting. Bro. David John Pell was installed as Master of the
Lodge by his grandfather, Rt. Wor. Bro. Alf Pell. Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell,
David’s father, played a major part in the ceremony.. In attendance were
approximately 80 Grand Lodge Officers and Past Masters representing 55 Lodges.
The attendance Register noted that 284 members signed in. The new Master was
presented with a personal gavel inscribed with the square and compasses by PGM’s
M. Wor. Bro. Howard O. Polk, and M. Wor. Bro. Sam Leach. Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell
presented his Son and Masonic Brother, with a masonic ring previously worn by
Wor. Bro. Tom Foulkes, of Sydney Albert Luke Lodge, #558, a close family friend
of the Pell family. A Past Master’s jewel previously worn by Wor. Bro. George
Byers (W.M.1964/65), was presented to the outgoing Master, Wor. Bro. Norman
Allingham by Wor. Bro. Bernie Parsons.


Vy. Wor. Bro. Jim Ham then presented to Wor. Bro. Allingham a
hand crafted whisky glass, gold etched with the crest of Fidelity and Wor. Bro.
Allingham’s name, a present from Wor. Bro. Jim Hatch, (W.M.1980/81) now living
in England and working in glass under the name “The Crystalmaster”. Bro. Mahara
read out a Grand Lodge communication amending Section 148 of the Constitution to
read “that the Past Masters, Masters, and Wardens Association, and the Lodge
Secretaries Association are now recognized by Grand Lodge, and may be referred
to in Lodge notices”. The background to this amendment is that our Secretary,
Bro. Nick Mahara, was, and is, the mainstay in forming a Lodge Secretaries
Association in the Ottawa Districts. The amendment formally recognizes the
organization after 10 years since its inception in 1980.

Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell was elected Thrice Puissant Grand
Master of the Ottawa Lodge of Perfection for their one hundred anniversary year.


1991 started off well with a visit from the RCMP Degree Team,
under the leadership of Rt. Wor. Bro. Don Mumby, raising Bro. Layton Peck as a
Master Mason. Most impressive. This is the first time since 1979 that the Team
has visited Lodge of Fidelity.

On February 19, the Travelling Gavel for Ottawa District #1
was passed to our Lodge by seven members of Carleton Lodge, Carp. Records
indicate that this practice was initiated by Rt. Wor. Bro. Gordon Thomas of
Prince of Wales Lodge #371 Ottawa. Lodge of Fidelity was the first Craft Lodge
to receive the Gavel.

The date of this former occasion was 21 November 1978.

At the Emergent meeting in April 1991, Rt. Wor. Bro. Alf Pell
pointed out that the gold plated working tools and the Star in the Centre were
crafted by Wor. Bro. George Byers a skilled machinist at NRC and a Past Master
of Lodge of Fidelity. He was W. M. in 1964/65. He crafted the tools for our
100th Anniversary in 1970. Bro. Harold Miller was installed as Worshipful Master
on May 21. Vy. Wor. Bro. Ted Harvey was the Installing Master. Wor. Bro. George
Clauson presented the General Charge. The Past Master’s jewel previously worn by
Wor. Bro. Ed Burke was presented to the outgoing Master, Wor. Bro. David Pell,
by his grandfather Rt. Wor. Bro. J. Alf Pell. It was pointed out that Wor. Bro.
Burke was a man of many talents, among which he was a champion horseshoe player,
ardent canoeist and superb bird woodcarver, great musician but above all, an
outstanding Mason.

On September 17, 1991, Wor. Bro. Jim Hatch (W.M.1980/81) now
living in England paid a friendly visit. He presented to the Lodge a large
crystal Chalice on which he had beautifully etched with 14 carat gold, the Crest
of Fidelity. He was warmly welcomed. He told of his many visits to British
Lodges in and around London where he spoke about Canadian Masonry.

As part of the effort to make Masonry more visible, Grand
Lodge suggested that Lodges should try to have at least one “Open House”. Lodge
of Fidelity opened the Lodge Room and Banquet Hall with a sit down dinner as
part of the April Emergent meeting. Approximately 60 persons joined with us. As
part of the evening festivities, short speeches were given on Masonry, Order of
Eastern Star, Order of Rainbow for Girls, Order of DeMolay. Vy. Wor. Bro. Jim
Ham gave a very interesting talk on Masonry, what it is and what it is not. Wor.
Bro. Lyle Francis announced that donations towards a new Altar Cloth as part of
the 125th Anniversary project have been met with good response.


The Fall Masonic year started off on a sad note. Rt. Wor.
Bro. John Alfred Pell passed suddenly to the Grand Lodge above on 27 July 1992.
He will be sorely missed. A bequest of $5,000.00 to the Life Members Fund, and
$1,000.00 to the Masonic Foundation of Ontario, was announced by Rt. Wor. Bro.
Jack Pell, as part of the Estate of his father, our Brother, Rt. Wor. Bro.
Alfred Pell.

Rt. Wor Bro. Jack Pell was elected Potentate of Tunis Temple Shriners.

With the death of our esteemed Brother, the Lodge found
itself without a Treasurer as Rt. Wor. Bro. Pell had filled this office for 22
years. Bro. Bruce Mallalieu volunteered his services and was immediately elected
as Treasurer.

On May 19, Bro. Maurice Broverman was installed as Worshipful
Master. The Installing Master was Rt. W. Bro. Alf Pell.

August 9,1992 was a great day for Ottawa Freemasonry. This
was the date for the seventh “Soup Kitchen Live” concert in aid of the Ottawa
Food Bank. Lodge of Fidelity was well represented. Bro. Layton Peck, a member of
the organizing committee, as well as the leader of one of the driving “rock”
bands which provided entertainment on Rideau Street for 12 solid hours, was
joined by many Fidelity members who helped gather in the donations. By the end
of the day, more than $32,000 had been collected.

In November, Bro. Mallalieu regretfully announced that he was
resigning from the office of Treasurer as he was being moved to Montreal. We
wish him well in his new endeavour.

The D.D.G.M of Ottawa District1, Rt. Wor. Bro. Bill Burns,
accompanied by Rt. Wor. Bro. Gordon Weedmark, D.D.G.M. Ottawa District 2, paid
his Official visit .During the evening they presented to our Honourary member,
M. Wor. Bro. Sam Leach, PGM Sask., a 60 year bar to his Past Master’s jewel.
This impressive ceremony was done on behalf of the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan,
and Twin City Lodge # 89, GRS, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, the Mother Lodge of Bro.

1992 closed with another enjoyable Christmas turkey supper,
sing song and a visit from old St. Nick. 1993 opened with the Lodge lights
dimmed in memory of Bro. Harrison Chamberlain, who passed away 16 January. Our
late Bro. was the father of Wor. Bro. Gordon Chamberlain. We cherish his


Like everything else, the quarterly rent paid by the Lodge to
the Masonic Hall Corporation has been increased. The Lodge now will pay
$1630.65, making our Lodge one of the highest renters at 2140 Walkley

To end the January 1993 meeting, the Worshipful Master
presented Wor. Bro. George Clauson with a 25 year Masonic lapel pin. A tribute
was paid to the Lodge by the Grand Lodge Communication Committee in its February
1993 communiqué stating that “Lodge of Fidelity, #231, has published on a
continuous basis since 1939, in addition to its Summons, a monthly Newsletter
entitled FIDELITY HIGHLIGHTS. Fifty two years and still going strong. Well done,
Lodge of Fidelity”. The present Editor is Vy. Wor. Bro. Jim Ham, who took over
from Rt. Wor. Bro. Alf Pell in 1975.

Due to the resignation of Bro. Mallalieu as Treasurer in
November 1992, this office has been vacant for the past three months. Bro. Jovan
Rados, one of our newer Masons volunteered his services, which were quickly, and
gratefully, accepted. On the last day of January, one of our long time members
passed away in the person of Bro. Bert Steele. He will be sorely missed. The
Lodge gained a new member in March with the affiliation of Bro. Ken Bickley from
Temple Lodge #649 Oshawa.

An impressive memorial service in April remembered the six
members who have completed their Masonic journey and passed to the Grand Lodge
above. The Sacred Roll was read by Wor. Bro. Parsons with the scripture reading
and prayers given by Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell and Wor. Bro. Hal Miller.

Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack pell gave notice that at the next Regular
meeting he would move that the Honourary title of Secretary Emeritus be granted
to our retired Secretary Bro. Nick Mahara.

In May, Bro. Lorne King was installed as Worshipful Master.
Wor. Bro. Maurice Broverman was presented with the Past Master’s jewel
previously worn by Wor. Bro. Tom Taylor (W.M. 1966/67).

The motion presented by Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell at the April
meeting to grant the Honourary title of Secretary Emeritus to Bro. Nick Mahara
was approved unanimously.

The June BBQ again proved very successful. Over 150 happy
members, families and friends thoroughly enjoyed the superb cooking of our
renowned experts, Wor. Bros. Lloyd Moar and Hal Miller, and the “sous chef” Bro.
Wayne Wozny.

A fraternal visit from brethren of Doric Lodge #58 in
September proved most interesting in that the Historian for Doric Lodge, Rt.
Wor. Bro. Ed Hare, very recently uncovered a very old minute in their records of
1870, yes 1870, outlining a petition to form a new lodge in Ottawa to be called
LODGE OF FIDELITY. This information of great value to our Lodge, begins this
volume of our history.

The Secretary read a letter from the Masonic Hall,
Corporation informing the Lodge that the quarterly rent for 1993/94 would
increase from $1630.65 to $1911.75., a sizeable increase.

Prior to the formal opening of Lodge in September, the
members and friends sat down to a sumptuous supper after which our retired
Secretary Emeritus was well roasted, with Wor. Bro. Lloyd Moar as Master of
Ceremonies. On behalf of the Lodge, Bro. Mahara was presented with a walnut
plaque suitably engraved, thanking him for his 15 years of service as Secretary.
Wor. Bro. Lloyd Moar informed the Lodge that Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell had been
coroneted a 33 Degree Mason by Supreme Council, AASSR, in Hamilton at the
September Annual Assembly. Congratulations Jack.! Lodge of Fidelity has only
three such distinguished Masons, Wor. Bro. Lloyd Moar; Wor. Bro. George Clauson;
and Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell.

In November, the Lodge received Rt. Wor. Bro. Ernest Vos,
D.D.G.M. Ottawa District 1, on his Official visit. The work of the evening was a
Fellowcraft Degree conferred on Bro. Gordon Michael Edwards. During this
evening, a distinguished group of Masons from Corinthian Lodge , North Gower,
presented to the Worshipful Master, a travelling gavel, made from Saskatchewan
applewood by a member of Qu’Apelle Lodge #6, Qu’Apelle Sask. This gavel, as a
project of Qu’Apelle Lodge, started on a journey eastward in 1986. It is hoped
that the gavel will reach Newfoundland in the future and then be returned to
Qu’Apelle Lodge. The intent is that each Lodge will use the gavel at one meeting
then move it eastward. The Worshipful Master assured the Brethren from
Corinthian that it will be used once then moved on its journey.

More than 110 members, families and friends helped us end
1993 with another successful turkey supper and social entertainment. It has also
been a good year for Fidelity with 6 new members joining our Lodge. The
membership now stands at 83 Dues paying members, and 79 Life members. The
numbers have been steadily decreasing as the Lodge gets older. Hopefully, with
the infusion of new members, as we have seen in 1993, this trend will turn
around in 1994.


During the January 1994 meeting, the Worshipful Master
announced that a fraternal visit to Lancaster Lodge #207 was planned for
February. The aim of this visit is to move the Qu’Apelle travelling gavel east.
A good way to start the 1994 year.

The February Emergent meeting saw the Lodge initiate two new
members. This may be the start of our reversing our declining

The February Regular meeting saw a bit of history portrayed
upon Bro. Gordon M. Edwards when he was presented with the apron previously worn
by Rt. Wor. Bro. Tom Hammel of The Builders Lodge. Wor. Bro. Norman Allingham
made the presentation at the request of Mrs. Hammel.

In late February, the Worshipful Master, accompanied by 15
members of the Lodge paid a fraternal visit to Lancaster Lodge #207, where the
Qu’Apelle travelling gavel was turned over to continue its journey

Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell moved at the April meeting that the
Lodge By-Laws should be amended. He offered to undertake this task and report
back at the May meeting. This will be the first major amendment since 1981 and
will reflect the small amendments of 1989 and 1991.

The Memorial Service in April saw the Lodge remember 6 long
time Masons who completed their journey and passed to the Grand Lodge

The Installation and Investiture meeting in May was slightly
different in 1994 in that Wor. Bro. Lorne King will remain in the East as
Worshipful Master for another year. To assist him, each of the Past Master’s
have volunteered to occupy the Worshipful Master’s Chair for at least one

The Lodge was honoured at the May Regular meeting with the
presence of the Deputy Grand Master, Rt. Wor. Bro. Durward Greenwood,
accompanied by the Grand Junior Warden, Rt. Wor. Bro. Allan Bell, and our
D.D.G.M., Ottawa District 1, Rt. Wor. Bro. Ernest Vos.

Two more candidates have made application for membership.
This makes a total of 5 for this 1994 Masonic year.

A beautiful red oak chest, constructed by Bro. Glenn Melling
to hold the Working Tools was presented to the Lodge by Wor. Bro. Lorne King. We
gratefully thank them.

In June, the weather again co-operated with us and enabled
the Lodge to hold another successful BBQ.

Usually the Lodge is in recess during the month of June.
However, a special Emergent meeting was held in 1994 to confer the Master Mason
degree upon Bros. Bruce Davis and Wesley Herring, both employed by Stats Canada.
A team from Stats Canada under the leadership of Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell enacted
a near perfect degree. A unique experience. At this meeting, Bro. Syd Hill
thanked all those who helped make the recent “Hip Hip Hooray” walk such a
success . His team was able to raise over $2,000.00 to aid in research for
operations as replacement of the hip and other body joints.

The summer recess was dimmed considerably with the sudden
death of Wor. Bro. William (Bill) Bangs on the 8th of July. Bill was a member of
Fidelity for over 25 years and had been our Tyler for a goodly number of those
years. He will be sorely missed.

The September meeting started the new Masonic year on the
right note, with applications for membership being received from Mr. Ronald
Taylor and Mr. James Lowe. Rt. Wor. Bro. Ted Williams, D.D.G.M. Ottawa District
1 paid an informal visit to the Lodge and was received under the Deacons wands
and introduced to the Lodge by Wor. Bro. Dave Pell. The D.D.G.M. and Wor. Bro.
Pell were Masters of their Lodges in 1990-91.

Wor. Bro. Gossling of Civil Service Lodge #148, presented to
the Worshipful Master a Founding Members Certificate declaring our late Bro
William Bangs a founding member of Lodge Claudius R. Walker, #1808 Scottish
Constitution, Nassau, Bahamas.

The Lodge was delighted to hear that Grand Lodge had
appointed Wor. Bro. Lloyd Moar a Grand Standard Bearer at the 139th Annual
Convocation in July. He will carry the rank of Very Worshipful. The “dress”
regalia of a Grand Standard Bearer was presented by Wor. Bro. Lyle Francis on
behalf of the Lodge, a gift from the members. The D.D.G.M and W. M. warmly
congratulated our newest Grand Lodge Officer. A letter was read by the Secretary
informing us that there would be a slight increase in the quarterly rent,
raising it from $1911.25 to $1929.65.

Wor. Bro. Jack Hogg announced that the Bi-Centennial Degree
Team from Ancient St. John’s Lodge #3, Kingston, had been invited to exemplify
the Master Mason Degree, in costume, as it was done two hundred years ago. They
will make this presentation at the October meeting.

Bro. Glenn Melling announced there were still tickets
available for the Masonic Charity Ball scheduled for September 24 at the Ottawa
Congress Centre. The cost is $50.00 per person.

The Emergent meeting in early October saw a near perfect
degree with the initiation of Mr. Ronald Taylor. The Worshipful Master’s Chair
was occupied for the evening by Wor. Bro. Larry Harvey.

The highlight of the Fall season came in October when the
Bi-Centennial Degree Team exemplified the Master Mason Degree. Wor. Bro. Jack
Hogg who is a member of Ancient St. John’s Lodge, occupied the Master’s Chair
until the Degree Team took over. At this time Wor. Bro. Hudson Hill assumed the
Master’s Chair. An excellent evening with more than 90 members and visitors in

Fidelity continues to surge ahead with applications for
Initiation. As of October, a total of 6 applications have been received in 1994.
A great start for a banner year.

Mr. James Lowe, the second of our approved applicants was
initiated into Masonry at the Emergent meeting in November. The W. M. for the
evening was Wor. Bro. Bernie Parsons.

At the Regular meeting in November, we were privileged to
receive Rt. Wor. Bro. Ted Williams, the D.D.G.M. Ottawa District 1, on his
official visit. He was warmly welcomed into the Lodge by Wor. Bro. David Pell,
the W. M. for the evening. Both Bro. Williams and Bro. Pell were Masters of
their respective Lodges in 1990. The work of the evening was the passing to the
Fellowcraft Degree of Bro. Ronald Taylor. This again was carried out with great
efficiency and feeling. Vy. Wor. Bro. Lloyd Moar was presented with the “undress
regalia” of a Grand Standard Bearer, a gift from the Past Masters of the

The December Emergent meeting, with Wor. Bro. Maurice
Broverman as the W. M., saw the Fellowcraft Degree given. An excellent

The Regular meeting in December took on its familiar theme
with a sit down dinner of Christmas turkey with all the trimmings, followed by
an evening of entertainment. Our thanks to Bro. Layton Peck for being M.C. and
Wor. Bro. George Clauson at the piano. The highlight of the evening was having
the son of Bro. David Mason lead us in carol singing. A wonderful


The 1995 calendar year carried on where the 1994 year left
off. At our January meeting we initiated two more candidates, Mr. David Coomber
and Mr. Frederick Goodwin. On the 6th of February 1995, a Fraternal visit to
Renfrew Lodge #122, was paid by about 20 members of Fidelity. There they saw
Bro. Ron Taylor raised as a Master Mason by members of Renfrew Lodge and
presented with his Master Mason’s apron. A different, but enjoyable

The Regular Meeting, held on the 21st of February, saw the
Lodge initiate Mr. Duncan George Lunam, a funeral Director with the firm of
Hulse, Playfair and McGarry. Over the period of Fidelity’s existence, the Lodge
has had many of the management of the Funeral Home as members of the Lodge.
Among the visitors for the evening were Rt. Wor. Bro. Kenneth Nesbitt, PDDGM
Ottawa District 2,; and V. Wor. Bro. Jim Young, both of Ionic Lodge No. 526,
Ottawa, and close friends of Bro. Lunam, and Wor. Bro. Frank Hare of Doric
Lodge, No 58.

Wor. Bro. Dave Pell occupied the Master’s Chair on the 7th of
March when the Lodge bestowed the Fellowcraft degree on Bros. David Coomber and
Fred Goodwin. This evening saw Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell occupy the Senior Wardens
chair while his son Wor. Bro. Dave Pell occupied the Worshipful Master’s chair.

Tradition entered the picture for the Regular March ’95
meeting when the members sat down to an old fashioned Irish Stew supper,
courtesy of the Worshipful Master of the evening, Wor. Bro. George Clauson. This
custom used to be observed by the Lodge to celebrate St. Patricks day. The work
following the supper consisted of the Fellowcraft Degree being conferred on Bro.
James Lowe. At the end of the evening, Wor. Bro. Clauson commented that it had
been 17 years since he had the privilege of sitting as Worshipful Master for an
evening and thanked Wor. Bro. King.

On the evening of March 29, Wor. Bro. King, assisted by his
wife Marion and many volunteers, hosted a pancake supper with all the trimmings
of maple syrup time. This was followed by a showing of the Grand Lodge video
“Friend to Friend”, plus two short videos on the Shrine and the Shriners
Orthopaedic Hospitals. A very interesting and entertaining

For the April Emergent meeting, the officers advanced one
chair. Bro. Glenn Melling, the Senior Warden, exhibited his leadership potential
in fine style. Bros. Davis, Herring and Taylor proved their proficiency as
Master Masons. Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell read a very illuminating, and thought
provoking, paper that he had obtained while visiting a Masonic Lodge in Trinidad
some 19 years ago. The theme was as applicable now, as when the paper was
originated. Our Regular meeting on 18 April, when Elections were held to fill
the various office chairs, saw Bro. Glenn Melling elected to Worshipful Master.
This chair is the highest honour the Lodge members can bestow on one of their
own. The Elections were followed by the Memorial service where tribute was paid
to three of our members that had passed to the Grand Lodge above during the past
year. One of these, Wor. Bro. Bill Bangs (W. M. 1972/73), was our Tyler for many

May 02 Emergent meeting saw Bros. Coomber and Goodwin
complete their degree work and become Master Masons. Wor. Bro. Harry Coomber of
Parvain Lodge #395, Leamington, Ont., the father of Bro. Dave Coomber was our
special guest for the evening. All in all, the 1994/95 Masonic year has been
very rewarding for Lodge of Fidelity and a wonderful way to observe the first
part of the 125th. Anniversary year.

On 16 May 1995, the reins of governance went from Wor. Bro.
Lorne King, who was W.M. for the years 1993/1994; and 1994/1995, to Wor. Bro.
Glenn Melling. At this meeting Wor. Bro. David Pell was installing Master. For
the first time in many years, the Pell name is not included in the forthcoming
Lodge Officers list. In appreciation for serving the Lodge so well during his
two years as W.M., the Lodge presented the outgoing Master, Wor. Bro. Lorne
King, with an engraved solid walnut plaque.

With the conclusion of the Installation meeting, the only
function left for the 1994/1995 Masonic year was the BBQ held in early June. As
with previous ones, the BBQ proved successful. Approximately 85-90 Masons,
familes and friends enjoyed the steak dinner plus trimmings cooked by our
outstanding chefs Bros Moar, Wozny and Edwards; ably assisted by the hard
working kitchen staff of Bros. Ron Taylor, Graham Oldford, Dave Coomber, Lorne
King, Aubrey DeYoung, Jim Lowe and Glenn Melling. Our thanks to all those whose
help made this evening an outstanding success.

September 1995 rolled around all too quickly. During the
summer recess, the Lodge was saddened to be informed with the passing to the
Grand Lodge above, our esteemed brother Rt. Wor. Bro. Cecil F. Howard (D.D.G.M.
1957), and Brother Robert Cressman. At the September meeting, the Chariman of
the Sick and Visiting Committee informed the lodge that Vy. Wor. Bro. Ted Harvey
was on a very heavy chemotherapy treatment, but that the prognosis was not
encouraging. the Wor. Master declared that Bro. Dwayne Marshall was suspended
for N.P.D. On the brighter side, an Application for Membership was received from
Mr. Daniel Azzi, a student attending Carleton University. Although no formal
degree work was done at this meeting, we had the pleasure of receiving the
Travelling Gavel from a distinguished delegation from Civil Service Lodge, led
by their Wor. Master, Wor. Bro. Dave Smith. We will pass the gavel to Edinburgh
Lodge on their meeting night 04 October. Lodge closed at 9:35 with the brethren
adjourning to the lounge for light refreshments and fellowship.

Due to an unavoidable cancellation by the candidate, the
Emergent meeting on 03 October changed to one of Masonic

On 17 October, the Lodge members assembled at the Masonic
centre where the Lodge was opened and immediately closed in order that the
brethren could pay a Fraternal visit to Acacia Lodge, Westboro, who meet on the
same night as we do.

The November Meeting saw our Lodge greet the D.D.G.M. Rt.
Wor. Bro. Roy Hyland, on this his Official Visit. The work of the evening was
the conferring of the Fellowcraft Degree on Bro. Duncan Lunam, a funeral
director with Hulse, Playfair and McGarry Funeral Home. Prior to the work, a
favourable report and subsequent ballot was taken on Mr. Daniel Azzi. As per
custom on this night, Lodge opened at 7:00p.m., adjourned for one hour at
7:40p.m. for luncheon in the dining room, re-convening in the Lodge room at
8:50p.m. On conclusion of the work of the evening, the DDGM presented Master
Mason certificates to Bros. Dave Coomber, Fred Goodwin, Ron Taylor and Jim Lowe.
For the first time, 25 years Past Master pins were presented to Vy. Wor. Bro.
Lloyd Moar, Wor. Bro. Lyle Francis and Wor. Bro. Bob Russell. This pin was first
authorized by Grand Lodge in 1995. Lodge closed in peace and harmony at

To end the 125th Anniversary Year, Family Night was held on
December 19. Following and excellent turkey dinner, a very impressive dedication
ceremony was performed under the direction of Vy. Wor. Rev. John Moor. This was
to replace the Altar cloth which was irreparably water stained, with a new one.
The ceremony included 6 of the most senior Past Masters forming a rough circle
around the Altar. R. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell removed the cushion upon which rested
the VSL, Square and Compasses, followed by Vy. Wor. Bro. Lloyd Moar and Wor.
Bro. Russell removing the old Altar cloth. Vy. Wor. Bro. Jim Ham and Wor. Bro.
George Clauson unfolded the new Altar cloth and draped it over the Altar. Wor.
Bro. Gordon Chamberlain placed a new cushion on the Altar where Rt. Wor. Bro.
Pell reverently placed the VSL, Square and Compasses. Bro. Pell then eloquently
recited the poem “The Bible” written by Bro. Edgar A. Guest some years ago and
which we use in the presentation of the VSL to the candidate at his initiation.
Following the ceremony, everyone adjourned to the Lounge for entertainment
culminating with the cutting of the 125th Anniversary cake by the Wor. Master. A
truly magnificent way to end Lodge of Fidelity’s 125th Anniversary Year. To
highlight the year, a small lapel pin was designed by a Lodge member with
authority to purchase a quantity of 500. Each member of the Lodge was, and will
be, given a pin, however, if brethren want another pin to give to friends, a
modest cost of $3.00 will be assessed.



1996 started with the Regular meeting on the 16th. A ballot
for initiation was taken for Mr. Evan Salter proving favourable. This was
followed with the initiation of Mr. Daniel Azzi. Lodge closed at 10:00

On 06 February at the Emergent meeting, Mr. Evan Clifford
Salter was initiated into Masonry. In the absence of Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell,
his son Wor. Bro. David Pell, made the Bible presentation at the Altar. A good

The Regular meeting on the 20th of February took the form of
an evening of Masonic Education with interesting papers being given by Vy. Wor.
Bro. Jim Ham who spoke on “Lodge of Fidelity, the good old days 30-40 years
ago”. This was followed by Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell reading the paper he gave at
Goodwood Lodge when he was the DDGM of Ottawa District 1 in 1980/81. The topic
was “The Habit of Virtue”.

With the lodge entering the last quarter of the 1995/96
Masonic year, the March Emergent meeting saw the Fellowcraft Degree conferred on
Bros. Azzi and Salter.

At the Regular meeting in March an “In Memoriam ” donation
was approved for our late Brother Dalton Wilson. The work for this evening was
the Master Mason degree conferred on Bro. Duncan Lunam. An Application for
Membership was presented by Mr. Edouard El-Khoury. His sponsors are Bro. Aubrey
DeYoung and Vy.Wor. Bro. Jim Ham. To end this interesting meeting, Rt.Wor. Bro.
Jack Pell presented Bro. Lunam with a Masonic square and compasses lapel pin,
part of the traditional pin presentation begun a few years ago by Vy.Wor. Bro.
Ted Harvey.

Step-Up Night was the title of the April Emergent Meeting. On
this night Bro. Graham Oldford (S.W.) was the Wor.. Master for the evening. The
other officers advanced one chair. The work of the evening consisted of proving
Bros. Dave Coomber, Jim Lowe, and Fred Goodwin. The work was excellent. Wor.
Bro. Gordon Chamberlain was called to approach the East where he was presented
with the Past Master’s jewel previously worn by Wor. Bro. William Kirby Bangs
(W.M.1971/72).. The story behind this ceremony was that Bro. Chamberlain had his
house broken into and his original jewel was stolen but never recovered. Of
particular significance to Wor. Bro. Chamberlain is that he and Wor. Bro. Bangs
were very close friends for years.

On 08 April 1996, a Service of Remembrance was held at Bell
street United Church for our recently departed Vy. Wor. Bro. Edward “Ted” Harvey
who passed to the Grand Lodge above 05 April, after a long illness. The service,
which saw an overflow gathering of Masons and friends, was conducted by Vy.Wor.
Rev. Bro. John Moor, the pastor of Bell St. United Church, and a close friend of
Bro. Harvey. At the service , Wor. Bro. Larry Harvey gave a very moving
rendition of Ecclesiastes, Chapter 12. Many members of the Order of Eastern Star
were in attendance as Bro. Harvey had been a member of that Order for years and
held the office of Worthy Patron in 1981/82; 1986/87; 1989/90; and 1992/93.” We
Cherish His Memory.”

The 1995/96 Masonic year is winding down. At the April
Regular meeting Bro. Graham Oldford was voted Wor. Master Elect. An Application
for Membership was presented by Mr. Lloyd Bruce Moar, the son of Vy.Wor. Bro.
Lloyd Moar. A ballot was taken on the Application for Membership presented by
Mr. Edouard El-Khoury. It was favourable to the candidate. The annual Memorial
Service which followed paid tribute to our departed Bro, Vy. Wor.. Bro. Ted
Harvey who passed to the Grand lodge above on 05 April 1996.

The last Emergent Meeting with Wor. Bro. Glenn Melling as
Worshipful Master took place on 07 May when Bros Daniel Azzi and Evan Salter
were raised to the degree of Master Mason. Wor. Bro. Gordon Harrison (W.M.
1974/75) now living in Rossland , B.C. paid his annual visit to Lodge of

The Installation Meeting, held on 21 May saw Bro. Graham
Oldford installed as Worshipful Master and the officers advance one chair. A
Ballot was taken on the Application for Membership presented by Mr. Lloyd Bruce
Moar and was favourable to the candidate. He will be initiated in early Fall.
The Installing Master for this evening was Wor. Bro. George Clauson, a close
friend of Bro. Oldford. The outgoing Master, Wor. Bro. Glenn Melling was
presented with the Past Master’s jewel previously worn by Wor. Bro. Edgar Burke
(W.M. 1960/61)

To end this Masonic year, a BBQ was held in early June. This
year more than 100 Masons, wives and friends partook of an excellent steak
dinner with all the trimmings. Per usual, the weather cooperated with us for a
successful evening. Our thanks again go to Vy.Wor. Bro. Lloyd Moar and his
cooking and kitchen staff for a job well done.

Following the customary summer recess, Lodge reassembled on
September 17 for the first meeting with Wor. Bro. Graham Oldford as Wor. Master
.This evening started a very heavy productive year for Lodge of Fidelity with
two new members being initiated. The candidates were Mr. Edouard El-Khoury and
Mr. Bruce Moar. A ballot was held on the Application for membership presented by
Mr. David Andrew Peate. It proved favourable. An Application for Membership was
presented by Mr. John Christopher Hogg, the son of Wor. Bro. Jack

The second meeting of the 1996/97 Masonic year was held on 15
October with Wor. Bro. Maurice Broverman occupying the Wor. Master’s chair. The
Wor. Master, Wor. Bro. Graham Oldford was attending Acacia Lodge , Westboro,
which meets on the same night as Lodge of Fidelity, on the DDGM Official Visit.
The work of the evening was the initiation of Mr. David Andrew Peate. It was an
excellent evening and E.A.Degree. A ballot was held on the Application for
Membership presented by Mr. John Christopher Hogg. It proved favourable . Bro.
Leonard Keeney, a member of Black Forest Lodge, No. 901, Lahr, Germany was
welcomed as a visitor.

The Emergent Meeting held on 05 November saw the Fellowcraft
degree conferred on Bro. Edouard El-Khoury.

On November 19, the DDGM Ottawa District 1, Rt. Wor. Bro.
Gary Gossling paid his official visit to Lodge of Fidelity . It was an
exceptional evening with 98 members present, 38 Lodge of Fidelity members and 60
visitors. The work of the evening was to confer the Fellowcraft Degree on Bro.
Bruce Moar. It was well done. An Application for Affiliation was received from
Bro. Leonard Keeney, a member in good standing in Black Forest Lodge, No. 901,
Lahr, Germany. Applications for Membership were presented by Mr. Marvin Lloyd
Mooney; Mr. Robert Helal; and Mr. Korlan Buxton. Towards the end of the evening,
Master Mason Certificates were presented to Bros. Daniel Azzi and Evan Salter.
Past Master Certificates were presented by the DDGM to Wor. Bro. Lorne King and
to Wor. Bro. Glenn Melling. Lodge closed in peace and harmony at 10:10 p.m.
after hearing a short address from the DDGM titled “The Altar”. Very

At the Emergent meeting held 03 December, the Lodge formed
another father-son connection with the initiation of Mr. John Christopher Hogg,
the son of Wor. Bro. Jack Hogg. Bro. Duncan Lunam was presented with his Master
Mason certificate.

December 1996, time for the annual Family Night. Before
sitting down to the usual Christmas turkey dinner, the brethren conducted a
short business meeting with a ballot for Affiliation being held for Bro. Leonard
Keeney. It proved favourable to the Brother. A further combined ballot was held
on the Applications for Membership presented by Mr. Robert Anthony Helal; Mr.
Korlan Kristoffer Buxton ; and Mr. Marvin Lloyd Mooney. It proved favourable to
the Applicants. Lodge closed at 6:10 p.m. permitting the brethren to join their
families for the traditional Christmas dinner and entertainment. A highlight of
the entertainment was the vocal program presented by a group of young boys from
Ashbury College, including Neil Mason, the son of Bro. David Mason and grandson
of Bro. Syd Hill. We were especially pleased to see many of our widows join with
us. To cap off the evening, Santa Claus paid a welcome visit distributing gifts
to all the ladies.


1997 started with an Emergent meeting on 07 January when
Bros. Edouard El-Khoury and Bruce Moar were raised to the sublime degree of
Master Mason. The work was well done especially the Traditional History given by
our newer member, Bro. Ron Taylor.

The Regular Meeting in January 1997 was overwhelming with
over 95 members and visitors present. The Lodge accepted the Traveling Gavel
from St. John’s Lodge, No.63, Carleton Place. We also were pleased to have with
us a large delegation from Mississippi Lodge, Almonte. The work of the evening
was to see the Entered Apprentice Degree conferred on Mr. Robert Anthony Helal
and Mr. Korlan Kristoffer Buxton. Both proved to be excellent candidates. In the
absence of Rt.Wor. Bro. Jack Pell , the Wor. Master made the Bible presentation
to our new Brothers. The Lodge closed in peace and harmony at 10:45

The February Emergent Meeting proved most interesting in that
two more members, Bro Christopher Hogg, and Bro. David Peate, had the
Fellowcraft Degree conferred upon them. Bro. Michael Jenkins, a visitor, gave a
short, but extremely interesting talk on the genealogy of the Grand Lodge of
Canada in the Province of Ontario, and Military Lodges in general. Lodge closed
in peace and harmony at 9:55 p.m.

On 18 February 1997, at the Regular Meeting , two Application
for Initiation were received. These were for Mr. David Diab Boushey, and Mr.
Rodolfo Martin Toledo. The work of the evening saw the Initiation of Mr. Marvin
Lloyd Mooney. Following the Initiation Ceremony, a 50 year Pin and Card was
presented to Bro. Walter Leaver, by Wor. Bro. Lyle Francis. He and Bro. Leaver
had for years been co – workers at NRC . Bro. Nick Mahara , our Secretary
Emeritus, presented a copy of the Grand Lodge booklet “Towards The Square” to
Bros Jim Mouland(JD) and Dave Armstrong(SD) to assist them in their progress
towards the East. He then presented Bro. Bruce Moar with two volumes of MacKays
Encyclopedia of Freemasonry that had been presented to him many years ago by
Vy.Wor. Bro. Harold Morgan (PGSB) of our Lodge.

The Emergent meeting on 04 March 1997 revived the “Members
Night” where all the Officers chairs, with the exception of that of Wor. Master,
were filled with non officer members. Wor. Bro. Dave Pell occupied the Wor.
Master’s chair for the evening. The work saw the Fellowcraft degree conferred on
Bro. Robert Helal. Bro. Ron Taylor gave an inspiring and very impressive
explanation of the Fellowcraft Tracing board. It was an excellent evening
showing all of us that Lodge of Fidelity is in good hands for the

A special fraternal visit to Corinthian Lodge, North Gower,
took place on Friday, 07 March 1997 when the Wor. Master, accompanied by 11
members of the Lodge, had the pleasure of having the members of Corinthian Lodge
confer the Fellowcraft degree on our candidate Bro. Korlan Buxton. A different,
but rewarding evening was enjoyed by all.

Another old tradition was revived on the 18th March when the
Regular meeting was turned over to the Past Master’s. In the absence of the Wor.
Master, Wor. Bro. Glenn Melling occupied the Chair and assisted by a team of
Past Master’s, directed by Wor. Bro. Lorne King, conferred the Master Mason
degree on Bro. David Peate. To quote one of the Past Master’s,”We may be getting
old, but we still have our skills”.

It was distressing to have the Secretary report the
suspension of a Brother for N.P.D.; requests for resignation for personal
reasons from Bros. Don Kennedy and Pat Kent; and a request for a Demit from Bro.
Karl Bohringer , a Life member living in Victoria , B.C. On the plus side, Bro.
Kenneth Lee Reid , now living in Smith’s Falls, has applied for reinstatement.
Bro. Reid, a former member of the Military was lost to us for a few years , and
it was good to have contact with him again. His request will be actioned at the
next meeting.

The Emergent Meeting held on 01 April 1997, was “step-up”
night, with the regular officers advancing one chair. Lodge opened and closed in
all three degrees. The highlight of the evening was a very complete , intensely
interesting explanation of the Master Mason Tracing Board by Rt. Wor. Bro. Grant
Bowman. This explanation is rarely given, and for the majority of the members,
it was the first time that they had heard it. Our sincere thanks to our worthy

Once again it is time for Elections and Memorial service. At
the Regular April meeting, Bro. Layton Peck was named Wor. Master Elect, the
other officers advanced one chair. Our Memorial Service remembered the passing
of two of our Life Members; Bro. William James Woods and Bro. George Amer. “We
Will Remember Them”. A favourable report was given on the Application for
Initiation presented by Mr. Rodolfo Martin Toledo. The subsequent ballot also
was favourable. An added attraction of the evening was the play”A Rose Upon The
Altar” presented by Chaudiere Lodge. It was well done.

A special Emergent Meeting was held on Saturday morning, 03
May 1997 when Bros. Christopher Hogg and Korlan Buxton were raised as Master
Masons. The obligation for Bro. Chris Hogg was given by his father Wor. Bro.
Jack Hogg, followed by Wor. Bro. Lorne King obligating Bro. Korlan Buxton . Bro
Hogg was invested with the Master Mason apron previously worn by our late member
Dr. Walter Harris, an old friend of the Hogg family. Bro. Daniel Azzi, one of
our newer members, gave a fine explanation of the Apron charge, while Bro. Dave
Coomber followed with an excellent presentation of the Working Tools. Bro. Greg
Borotsik presented the Traditional History in true Fidelity manner. All in all,
an excellent meeting. To end the morning, Bros. Duncan Lunam and David Peate
proved their proficiency in the Master Mason Degree.

Three days later, on 06 May, a second Emergent Meeting was
held. This time the Entered Apprentice Degree was conferred on Mr. David Boushey
and Mr. Rodolfo Toledo. Again, much of the degree work was presented by newer
members. Bro. Ron Taylor gave an inspiring explanation of the North East Angle
Charge; Bro. Dave Coomber explained the Working tools ; and Bro. Greg Borotsik,
the explanation of the Entered Apprentice Tracing Board.

The Installation Meeting on May 20, saw the reins of
governance turn over from Wor. Bro. Graham Oldford to Bro Layton Peck, the Wor.
Master Elect. The Installing Master was Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell. Vy. Wor. Bro.
Lloyd Moar obligated the new Wor. Master. Wor. Bro. David Pell invested the line
officers, essentially those who advanced one chair towards the East. Wor. Bro.
Graham Oldford was presented with a Past Master’s jewel previously worn by Wor.
Bro. Howard Clauson (W.M.1970/71) by Wor. Bro. George Clauson. Wor. Bro. Oldford
commented on the success of his year when we saw nine new Masons initiated, and
one member reinstated , a worthy achievement.

One of the first pleasant duties of the new Wor. Master was
to present Forget-Me-Not- pins to each brother initiated in the month of May. He
plans to honor our brothers in this manner by recalling the month of their
initiation , during his term of office. A surprise presentation was made to the
Wor. Master of a beautiful leather apron case, by his father-in-law, Bro.
Sandahl of Greenfield Park lodge, No. 133, G.R.Q., and by his wife Elayne. A
further presentation was made to Rt. Wor. Bro. Oliver Benedict, an Honourary
Member of Fidelity, of his 50 Years a Mason Pin and card. The presentation was
performed by Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell and Rt.Wor. Bro. Gary Gossling,

The Annual BBQ, held on 04 June 1997 climaxed an excellent
year. Once again mother Nature smiled on us with a beautiful day. We greeted
more than 100 members, wives and friends to another excellent steak dinner
followed by fellowship in the lounge. A fitting end to a good year.

Another Masonic year begins with the September meeting. On
the 16th, the Master Mason Degree was conferred upon Bro. Robert Helal. As
before, some of the newer members, namely Bro. David Peate and Bro. Ken Bickley
gave excellent presentations of the Working tools Charge and Apron Charge

In accordance with his policy, the Wor. Master presented
Forget-Me-Not- pins to the following Brethren whose Masonic
Birthdays(Initiation) was in the month of September. They were: Bro Ed
Webster-1945; Bro. Allan Harris – 1948; Bro. John Hunton – 1952; W.Bro. Gordon
Harrison – 1956; W.Bro. George Clauson – 1967; and Bro. Ed.El-Khoury –

On Tuesday, 07 October 1997, Bro. Marvin Mooney confirmed his
desire to progress to the Fellowcraft Degree. The Secret Work was given by Bro.
Bruce Holmes; the S.E. Charge by Bro. Ron Taylor; the Working Tools by Bro.
Peter Rippstein; and the Apron charge by Bro. Daniel Azzi. Bro. David Peate
presented Bro. Mooney with a plastic lapel badge giving his Name and Lodge
number. This is a new project instigated by the Wor. Master to be given to each
Fellowcraft on their being passed.

The Wor. Master announced that the Regular Metting on 21
October would be designated “Lyle Francis Night” in token appreciation for the
many years of service given to Lodge of Fidelity , and Masonry in general, by
our worthy brother. Wor. Bro. Francis was Master in 1957/58; Chairman of the
Life Members Fund for many years; an excellent ritualist; President of the
Ottawa Masonic Corporation 1997/98; Chief Technical Maintenance Officer of the
Ottawa Masonic Centre for many years; 32nd Degree Mason; Shriner; to name a few
of his accomplishments.

On that night, following a scrumptious feast, W.Bro. Francis
was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation from the DDGM, Ottawa district
1, Rt. Wor. Bro. George MacKay; an engraved solid walnut plaque by Vy. Wor. Bro.
Lloyd Moar on behalf of the Lodge; a and a letter of Appreciation from Rt. Wor.
Bro. Donald Mumby, the former Chairman of the Ottawa Masonic Corporation and a
Member of the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes.

As the result of a ruling by the Ottawa Masonic Hall
Corporation, each Lodge was responsible for providing their own Tyler, and to
compensate him accordingly. The Lodge selected W.Bro. James Dowd, a member of
St. Andrews Lodge to act as our operative Tyler , and to pay him the usual
remuneration of $30.00 per meeting.

Applications for Initiation continue. Mr. Bruce Stewart, Mr.
Jihad Karam and Mr. Jorge Ambar have made Application for Initiation to become
members of the Lodge. The Wor. Master appointed appropriate Committees of

An Emergent Meeting , held on 02 November, saw Bro. Rodolfo
Martin Toledo, passed to the Fellowcraft Degree. Bro. David Peate presented Bro.
Toledo with the lapel badge of identification as is now the custom of the

It is that time of the year again when the Lodge has the
pleasure of greeting the D.D.G.M. on his Official Visit. On 17 November, Rt.
Wor. Bro. George MacKay , accompanied by his District Secretary, Wor. Bro.
Anthony St.Dennis, paid their official visit to the Lodge . The work of this
evening is usually a Fellowcraft Degree, however ,due to unforeseen
circumstances , the candidate was unavailable. In his place, Vy.Wor. Bro. Jim
Ham read a paper titled “The Winding Stairs”. An Application for Affiliation was
received from Bro. John Adrian Baxter, a retired banker. Favourable reports were
received on the Applications for Initiation presented by Mr. Bruce Ronald
Stewart and Mr. Jihad Karam.It is customary on DD Night to call off for
refreshment. This night was no different. The brethren enjoyed a pot luck meal
in the dining room for approx. one hour. Upon reconvening in the Lodge room, the
DDGM presented MM Certificates to Bros. Chris Hogg, David Peate and Bro. Bruce

Wor. Bro. Dave Andrews, on behalf of the Past Masters,
Masters and Wardens association, presented the Ken Nesbitt Trophy for Low Gross
to Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell, W.Bro. Graham Oldford, Bro. Wes Herring, and Bro.
Craig(St. John’s Lodge). The trophy was won at the District Golf Tournament last

The D.D.G.M. rounded out the evening with a short talk on
“Historic Moments of Lodge of Fidelity”.

The Emergent meeting held 02 December saw the initiation of
Mr. Bruce Ronald Stewart. It was a good evening with most of the work being done
by the newer lodge members. W. Bro. Maurice Broverman occupied the chair of S.W.
on very short notice, we thank him. The evening closed with Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack
Pell presenting Bro. Stewart with the VSL upon which he took his obligation.

Time for Family Night 1997. Prior to sitting down with
friends and guests, a few members opened Lodge at 5:30 p.m. to receive a
favourable report on the Application for Affiliation presented by Bro. John
Baxter, and a favourable report on the Application for Initiation presented by
Mr. Jorge Ambar. Ballots were cast separately on the candidates and proved
favourable. A new Application for Initiation presented by Mr. Richard Gregory
Saikaley was received . The Wor. Master appointed the Committee of Inquiry to
investigate and report at the next regular meeting. Lodge was quickly closed so
that the members could rejoin their wives, guests and friends for supper. Over
100 members, guests and friends sat down to enjoy a wonderful turkey supper ,
complete with all the trimmings, catered to by Success chapter , O.E.S.
Following the supper a draw was held for an “Intarsia” carved stags head, made
by Bro. Ron Taylor. It was won by Mrs. Elayne Peck, the wife of our Wor. Master.
An evening of sing song and entertainment followed led by W. Bro. Peck on
guitar, and W. Bro. Clauson at the piano. Thoroughly enjoyable. To end the
evening, Santa Claus gave out chocolate gifts to all the ladies , courtesy of
Bro. Lee Reid and Hershey Chocolate Co. We thank them.

Rt Wor Bro Jack Pell was elected Grand Superintendent
District 13 Royal Arch Masons.


1998 opened at the regular meeting on the 20th with a
tremendous bang – the precision R.C.M.P. Master Mason Team had arrived to give
us the pleasure of seeing them confer the Master Mason Degree on Bro. Marvin
Mooney. But before this was carried out we sat down to a catered supper where
Deputy Commissioner Guiliano “Zac” Zacardelli spoke of the long and close
relationship between the R.C.M.P. and Masonry. Among the head table guests was
our Honourary Member , M.W.Bro. Sam Leach, P.G.M. Saskatchewan, a long time
former member of the R.C.M.P. Following the supper, the R.C.M.P. , under the
leadership of Rt. Wor. Bro. Donald Mumby, raised Bro. Mooney to the degree of
Master Mason.

The lodge officers then presented their R.C.M.P. counterparts
with one of our distinctive lodge lapel pins.

We were delighted to have Bro. Bob Cairns from Calgary join
with us for the evening. Lodge closed in peace and harmony at 10:45 p.m.

The Emergent meeting on 03 February saw the initiation of Mr.
Jihad Karam. Again the newer members did most of the Degree. It was well done.

The Regular Meeting held 17 February, proved to be different
. In lieu of any degree work, the W.M. made arrangements with members of lesser
known Masonic Orders to come and familiarize our members with their Order. We
had representation from the Knights Templar, Scottish Rite, Royal Arch Masons,
Royal Ark Mariners, York Rite, The Shrine , and many others. A most interesting
and informative evening. On the more somber side, a moment of silence was
observed for our late Brother Harold Burmaster who passed to the Grand Lodge
Above on 17 February 1998. We will miss him. The Travelling Gavel was presented
to the Wor. Master by a delegation from St. John’s lodge, No. 63, Carleton
Place. We, in turn, will be passing it to Edinburgh Lodge shortly. An
Application for Initiation was received from Mr. Kenneth Wilkinson Bowker. The
sponsors are Wor. Bros. Graham Oldford and George Clauson. For some time the
Life Members Fund has been without a Chairman. Wor. Bro. Lyle Francis’s offer to
fill this vacancy was heartily accepted . After being in existence for many
years, it was decided to close out the Special Events fund. A warm vote of
thanks was extended to the administrators of the Fund, Vy. Wor. Bro. Lloyd Moar;
Wor. Bros. Lyle Francis and Bernard Parsons. The considerable assets were turned
over to the Treasurer to be placed into the Life Members fund. The Applications
for Initiation presented by Mr. Richard Saikaley and Mr. Simon Dahdouh received
favourable reports. They will be balloted on at the next Regular meeting. Lodge
closed in peace and harmony at 10:32 p.m.

The next evening, 18 February, a Masonic funeral service was
held for our late Bro. Harold Burmaster. Bro Burmaster has been a steady member
of the Lodge since his initiation in February 1946.

On 03 March at the Emergent meeting , Mr. Simon Dahdouh was
initiated into Masonry. 21 members were present. The work was done by many of
the newer members, ie, Bro. Dave Coomber – Questions and Working tools; Bro.
Dave Peate – Apron charge.

The Regular Meeting held on the 17th of March saw Lodge of Fidelity’s
Master Mason 2nd Degree Team in action for the first time. This team under the
leadership of Bros Dave Peate and Ron Taylor was set up in 1997 to assist other
lodges , if called on, to put on the Fellowcraft degree. Due to circumstances
beyond control, the original candidate was unavailable. However, Wor. Bro.
Graham Oldford offered his services for the evening . An excellent degree
resulted . Wor. Bro. Oldford remarked that everyone should have the opportunity
to go through the degrees again as he found a great difference being a candidate
rather than listening. A Request for Demit received from Bro. Victor Archer was
granted – clear, by the Wor. Master. Following the Degree, Wor. Bro. Paul Todd,
Chairman of Masonic Education for Ottawa district 1, presented an interesting
paper on “The Origin of the Grand lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario.
Vy. Wor. Bro. Jim Ham was presented with a 25 year Past Master pin by Rt. Wor.
Bro. Ernest Vos, PDDGM, Ottawa District 1, 1993/94. Bro. Ham is the fourth Past
Master of our Lodge to be so recognized since the pin was authorized by Grand
lodge in 1995. The other Past Masters so honoured are Vy. Wor. Bro. Lloyd Moar,
Wor. Bro. Lyle Francis and Wor. Bro. Bob Russell. Bro. Bruce Holmes was then
presented with a 25 year Mason pin . Bro. Holmes was initiated into Masonry in
Nippissing Lodge, No. 420 in 1971 and affiliated with Lodge of Fidelity in 1979
The members of the Lodge Master Mason 2nd degree team are : S.W. – Bro. Ron
Taylor; J.W. – Bro. Dave Peate; D of C – Bro. Daniel Azzi; S.S. – Bro. Chris
Hogg; J.S. – Bro. Bob Stewart; I.G. – Bro. Bruce Moar; Chaplain – Bro. Duncan
Lunam; J.D. – Bro. Marvin Mooney and S.D. – Bro. Dave Coomber. Lodge closed in
peace and harmony at 10:26 p.m.

A special Emergent meeting was held on the 31st of March to initiate
three of our new candidates, viz Mr. Kenneth Wilkinson Bowker; Mr. Jorge Ambar
and Mr. Richard Saikaley. Once again the newer members had the opportunity to
participate in the degree which turned out to be excellent.

The April Emergent meeting, held the 7th of April, is the usual
Step-Up Night. This year was no different. The Lodge opened to the Master Mason
degree with Bro. Rodolfo Martin Toledo being raised to the sublime degree of
Master Mason . It was an excellent evening with many of the parts of the degree
being done by the newer members. The officers occupying the chairs for the night
indicate that the future of Lodge of Fidelity is in good hands.

At the Regular meeting on the 21st of April, the annual election of
officers and memorial service was held. However this year there were some
changes . Due to pressure of business, the Senior warden declined to advance.
This meant that the present Wor. Master ,Layton Peck, would remain in the East
for a second year .Also, the present Secretary, Vy.Wor.Bro. Jim Ham, gave notice
that after 5 years as Secretary, he would be retiring and would not seek
re-election. As a result, Bro. Bruce Davis was elected Secretary. Other officers
that were elected for the 1998/99 Masonic year are : S.W. – Bro. Jim Mouland,
J.W. – Bro. Dave Armstrong, S.D. – Bro. Wayne Wozny, J.D. – Bro. Peter
Rippstein, I.G. – Bro. Ron Taylor, Chaplain – Wor. Bro. Maurice Broverman,
Treasurer – Wor. Bro. Hal Miller. As Bro Taylor cannot hold two positions, he
stepped down as Assistant Secretary. In his stead, the Wor. Master appointed
Bro. Dave Peate as Assistant Secretary. The Memorial Service paid tribute to two
Life members that passed to the Grand Lodge Above during the 1997/98 Masonic
year . They were Bro. Harold Burmaster who Entered into Rest on 17 February
1998, and Bro. George Allan Harris who Entered into Rest on 07 March 1998. We
cherish their memory.

On April 30, we again had the privilege of witnessing the
Master Mason 2nd degree Team in action. Bro. Simon Dahdouh was passed to the
Fellowcraft degree. The work was excellent with the candidate being well
prepared by his sponsors, Vy. Wor. Bro. Lloyd Moar and Bro. Bruce Moar. It was a
pleasure to see the ritual performed so well.. The degree ended with the Team
forming up in “VEE” formation on the level immediately in front of the Wor.
Master. Each member then read a stanza of the poem “The Mother Lodge” by Bro
Rudyard Kipling. The poem was printed in a computer generated scroll format and
suitably framed. Across the bottom was printed the name of the candidate and the
date he became a Fellowcraft Mason.. A wonderful moment . Lodge closed in peace
and harmony at 9:17 p.m.

May 19th wound down another great year for Lodge of Fidelity.
Four candidates were initiated since the 1st of January, with three being advanced to
the Fellowcraft Degree.However, this was the night for the Installation and
Investiture of Officers for 1998/99. Rt.Wor. Bro. Jack Pell was Installing
Master. One difference this year was the fact that Wor. Bro. Layton Peck will be
remaining as Wor. Master for a second term. That being the case, the Installing
Master changed the format of the Investiture Ceremony by having each new officer
invested at his Chair of Office. The following Officers were invested: Sr.
Warden – Bro. Jim Mouland: Jr. Warden – Bro. Dave Armstrong; Sr. Deacon – Bro.
Wayne Wozny: Jr. Deacon – Bro. Peter Rippstein: Inner Guard – Bro. Ron Taylor;
Sr. Steward – Bro. Aubrey DeYoung; Jr. Steward – Bro. Dave Coomber; and Wor.
Bro. Maurice Broverman as Chaplain.; Secretary – Bro. Bruce Davis; Assistant
Secretary – Bro. Dave Peate. As in past years, the General Charge was presented
by W.Bro. George Clauson., followed by M.W.Bro. Sam Leach giving the general
proclamation. An excellent evening.

To end the Masonic year, another famous B.B.Q was held on the 3rd of June, though the turn out was not as great as in previous years , everyone
enjoyed an evening of good food and fellowship.

July 1998 – At the 143 Annual Communication of Grand lodge ,
held at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto, July 15-16, Wor. Bro. George R. Clauson
, A PM of Lodge of Fidelity , was elected to the office of District Deputy Grand
Master, Ottawa District #1., for the 1998 – 1999 Masonic Year. Wor. Bro. Lorne
King was selected as District Secretary. At the same Annual Communication, Wor.
Bro. A. Lyle Francis was appointed a Grand Lodge Officer with the Rank of Grand
Steward., a worthy tribute to a worthy Mason and lover of the Craft.

Regular meeting, 15th of September 1998 – The new Masonic year
started off with the Wor. Master giving a short report of the 143 Annual
Communication of Grand Lodge . A distinguished delegation from Mississippi Lodge
#147, led by their Wor. Master, W.Bro. Brent Reid was escorted into the Lodge by
the DOC. W. Bro. Bernie Parsons . After having Grand honors , they presented the
Travelling Gavel to the Wor. Master, W. Bro. Layton Peck. He thanked the
visiting brethren and stated that the Travelling Gavel would be presented to
Prince of Wales Lodge on Friday, 25 September. V.W.Bro. Jim Ham was asked to
retire to introduce the D.D.G.M., Ottawa District #1, R.W.Bro. George Clauson ,
a member of Lodge of Fidelity. This was the first visit by the DDGM and it was
fitting that he visit his Mother lodge first. The Wor. Master requested the DDGM
to assume the gavel which was done. The DDGM , after thanking the brethren for
their support , requested V.W.Bro. A. Lyle Francis to join him on the level. He
also requested the Wor. Master and V.W.Bro. Lloyd Moar to join him. The DDGM
then requested V.W.Bro. Lloyd Moar to invest our new V.W. Bro. with a set of
Grand Lodge regalia previously worn by V.W.Bro. Ted Harvey. The brethren then
gave Grand Honors led by W.Bro. Parsons. The Wor. Master requested all the
R.W.Bros. to meet him on the level. where he presented bound copies of Bro.
Rudyard Kiplings poem “The Mother Lodge” to the following, R.W. Bill Cook, Brent
Emmerson, Gary Gossling, Ray Grant, Ed Hare, George McKay, Jack Pell and Ted
Williams. There being no further business the members adjourned for refreshments
at 9:18 p.m.

Regular Meeting of 20th of October – Two Master Mason Degrees were
conferred this evening. Bros Simon Dahdouh and Ken Bowker were raised to the
sublime degree of Master Mason. The work was performed with the usual Fidelity
efficiency. V. W. Bro. Lloyd Moar did his usual commendable job on the “dark
work”, and V.W. Bro. Jim Ham presented the “Secrets”. The remainder of the work
was performed by the officers of the Lodge. R.W.Bro. Jack Pell, assisted by
W.Bro. Maurice Broverman, gave those in attendance a deeper understanding of the
Secrets of the third degree. It proved most interesting, A bound copy of the
poem “The Mother Lodge ” was presented by the Wor. Master to each Lodge brother
who had a Masonic Birthday in September and October. Copies were also given to
the visitors of the evening, viz. R.W.Bro. Bud Bevin from Florida, W.Bro. Bill
Sylvester and Bro. Dennis Toth Lodge closed in peace and harmony at 10:43 p.m.

Regular Meeting, 17 November – As this was the evening when
Lodge of Fidelity welcomes the DDGM, Lodge opened at 7:00 p.m. The Wor. Master
requested W.Bro. Glenn Melling,(DOC), V.W.Bro. Lloyd Moar and R.W. Bro. Jack
Pell to retire and escort those brethren waiting outside the door of the Lodge
into the Lodge… At 7:21 the Current years Masters were escorted into the Lodge
by the DOC. Bro. Dave Coomber led the Grand Honors , three times. At 7:26 p.m.,
R.W.Bro. Sam Kalinowsky , DDGM Ottawa District #2, and 19 other past and present
Grand Lodge officers were escorted into the Lodge by V.W.Bro. Lloyd Moar. Bro.
Dave Coomber(S.S.) led the brethren with Grand Honors 7 times. At 7:30 p.m.,
R.W.Bro. George Clauson , DDGM Ottawa District #1, was introduced into the Lodge
by his good friend R.W.Bro. Jack Pell Bro. S.S. again led the brethren with
Grand Honors 7 times. R.W.Bro. Clauson was then escorted to the East under the
wands of the Deacons. After assuming the gavel, R.W.Bro. Clauson brought warm
fraternal greetings from the Grand Master, M.W.Bro. William T. Anderson, Grand
master of the Grand lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario. After thanking
the Deacons, the DDGM returned the gavel to the Wor. Master. A letter was read
from bro. harold dewar requesting his demit. Bro Dewar resides in Winnipeg and
has not been active in Masonry for at least thirty -five years. A demit was
granted. Regretfully, we were informed of the passing of Bro Reg Rule on 04
October in Toronto. Bro. Rule was a Life Member. Also, Bro. Cecil Tate passed to
the Grand Lodge above on 11 November. We will remember them. Due to the
unavoidable absence of the of the candidate of the evening through illness in
the family , the work of the evening was changed to Masonic Education . Bro.
Junior Deacon read a short paper on the arrangement of the Lesser Lights and
their significance.. This was followed by R.W.Bro. Jack Pell giving a most
interesting talk on his visit to Roslyn Chapel in Scotland and the significance
of this chapel to Masonry. A bound copy of the poem :The Mother Lodge ” was
presented to each Mason who had a Masonic Birthday during November. The DDGM,
R.W.Bro. George Clauson took a few minutes to share his feelings about what he
termed “a memorable evening”, after which the Lodge was closed in peace and
harmony at 10:23 p.m.

Regular meeting, 15th of December – This being the evening of the
Annual Christmas Festive of Brethren and friends, Lodge opened at 5:30 p.m with
W.Bro. Layton Peck as W.M. and W.Bro. Gordon Chamberlain as I.P.M. The meeting
was short with only two pieces of business dealt with. The request for a Demit
from Bro. Harold Dewar was granted , as well as that received from Bro Victor
Millard who resides in Orangeville. Both are Life Members. Lodge closed in peace
and harmony at 5:42 p.m. when the brethren adjourned to join their wives, family
and friends in the dining room and lounge. The usual excellent turkey dinner was
served by members of the Eastern Star to approximately 100 persons. Following
the dinner, everyone adjourned to the lounge for entertainment and fellowship.
Wor. Bro. Layton Peck led us in singsong followed by a visit from Santa and Mrs
Santa. A number of gifts were won by luck of the draw which proved to be very
popular. Our thanks to Bro. Junior Warden and his team for a very successful and
enjoyable evening.

1998 Rt Wor Bro Jack Pell was appointed to the Board of
Governors of the Shriners Burns Hospital in Boston Mass USA.


Regular meeting, 19th of January 1999 – The new year started off
on a quiet note. The Junior Warden informed us that a profit of $32.00 had been
made on the Christmas dinner evening. He was warmly congratulated by the Wor.
Master for a job well done. In the absence of an eligible candidate, Wor. Bro.
Paul Todd , Chairman of Education, Ottawa District #1, presented the second of
his three papers on “The Origin of Grand Lodge in Ontario”. It was an excellent
paper. We look forward to hearing the final paper.. The Lodge closed in peace
and harmony at 8:35 p.m.

Emergent Meeting, 2nd of February 1999:

This meeting took on a different twist. In the absence of a
suitable candidate to be passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft  as planned, the
Wor. Master for the evening, Wor. Bro.  Graham Oldford and a large group
travelled to Temple Lodge Westboro, where Rt. Wor. Bro. George Clauson was
paying his Official Visit. An enjoyable evening resulted.

Regular Meeting, 16th of February:

Lodge opened at 7:30 p.m. by Wor. Bro. Layton Peck, W.M.
After the regular business ended, the W.M. invited V.W.Bro. Jim Ham to assume
the Chair of Solomon for the  work of the evening, that of raising Bro. Richard
Saikalay to the Degree of Master  Mason. Much of the work was done by “side
benchers” rather than regular officers. It  was an excellent evening. V.W.Bro.
Ham stated that the last time he had occupied the  Master’s chair  was in
1980/81 at the installation of Wor. Bro. Jim Hatch . An interesting  sidelight
was when Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell who presented the Traditional history of the
Degree, stated that this was the first time he had done so , and that he had now
completed  every “charge” in the Master Mason Degree . After warmly thanking the
team, V.W.Bro.  Ham closed the Lodge in the 3rd and 2nd Degree and returned the
gavel to the Wor.  Master, W.Bro. Layton Peck. Lodge closed in peace and harmony
at 10:20 p.m.

Emergent Meeting, 2nd of March 1999:

In the absence of a suitable candidate, the Lodge opened at
7:30 pm and immediately closed so that the Brethren could proceed to Goodwood
Lodge , Richmond where the DDGM, Rt.Wor. Bro. George Clauson was paying his
Official visit.

Regular Meeting, 16th of March 1999:

The meeting was opened at 7:30 pm by the Wor. Master, Wor.
Bro. Layton Peck. There  being no suitable candidate for advancement, the
evening was devoted to Masonic  Education. A 25 year pin was presented to Bro.
Nicholas Mahara , Lodge  Secretary  Emeritus,  by one of his sponsors , Vy. Wor.
Bro. Charles Sharp. The other sponsor ,  Vy.Wor. Bro. Harold Morgan passed to
the Grand Lodge above many years ago. Bro.  Mahara was initiated into Fidelity
in March 1974 so that this month was also his Masonic  birthday month. The Wor.
Master  congratulated Vy. Wor. Bro. Sharp on this his 84th  birthday.  Bro. Pat
MacKey was also eligible for his 25 year pin . Unfortunately Bro.  MacKey’s
health did not permit him to be in Lodge. However, Vy. Wor. Bro.  Jim Ham
offered to deliver the pin to Bro MacKey . In the unavoidable absence of Bro.
Dave  Armstrong, Junior Warden, Bro. David Peate occupied this chair.

Lodge closed in peace and harmony at 9:30 p.m. Since this was
close to St. Patrick’s  day, the Wor. Master  preceded the meeting with an
excellent sit down supper of Irish  Stew and homemade biscuits at 6:30 p.m and
following  the meeting , ice cream,  doughnuts and coffee.

Emergent Meeting, 6th of April 1999:

This meeting is  known as “Step-Up” night when the Officers
advance one chair.  Accordingly, Bro. Jim Mouland took his place in the “near
east “ as Wor. Master. Bro.  Dave Armstrong occupied the Senior Wardens Chair.
In the absence of Bro. Wayne  Wozny, Vy. Wor. Bro. Jim Ham filled the Junior
Wardens Chair. Bro. Ron Taylor and  Bro. Dave Coomber filled the chairs of
Junior Deacon and Inner Guard.  Lodge opened in  the First Degree and
immediately advanced to the Second and Third Degree. Bros.  Ken  Bowker and Rick
Saikalay proved themselves in the Third Degree by reciting the MM  Obligation ,
Questions and Penalty . At the request of the Wor. Master, Rt. Wor. Bro.  Jack
Pell explained the signs, step , and words of the Degree. Lodge then closed in
this  Degree. The same pattern was followed in the Second degree and in the
First Degree. The  work was well done and augers well for the upcoming Masonic
year. Lodge closed in  peace and harmony at 9:30 p.m.

Regular Meeting, 20th of April 1999:

This Regular meeting was devoted  to the Memorial Service and
the Election of Officers  for the ensuing year. During the past Masonic year we
had an unusual number of  Brethren called to the Grand Lodge Above. They were
Wor. Bro. Bill Greene, Wor. Bro.  John Railer, Bro. Cecil Tate, Bro. Reg Rule,
Bro. Vincent McLean, Bro. David York ,  Bro. Tom Wilkins, Bro. Franklyn
Bradford, Bro. Walter Leaver, and Bro. William  Smith.- We cherish their
memory-.. The Election of Officers saw Bro. James Mouland  elected as Wor.
Master; Bro. Dave Armstrong, Senior Warden; Bro. Wayne Wozny ,  Junior Warden;
Bro. Peter Rippstein, Senior Deacon; Bro. Ron Taylor , Junior Deacon;  Bro. Dave
Coomber, Inner Guard; Bro. Duncan Lunam , Senior Steward; and Bro. David Peate ,
Junior Steward. The Wor. Master then acknowledged the Masonic Birthdays of the
brethren for the month of April. Lodge closed in peace and harmony at 9:00

Regular Meeting, 18th May, 1999:

Installation and Investiture. The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m.
with Wor. Bro. Layton Peck  in the Chair of King Solomon. The Installing master
will be Wor. Bro. Graham Oldford..  After completing the short business portion
of the evening, the meeting was turned over  to Wor. Bro. Oldford  for the
Installation of Bro. James Mouland as Worshipful Master.  There was an excellent
turnout with the Grand Senior Warden and the Grand Junior  Warden in attendance.
They were in town for the Installation at Luxor Daylight Lodge  which was to
take place the next day. Following the Installation and Investiture, the
outgoing Wor. Master presented Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell with a 25 Year Past
Master pin  and Bro. Fergus Lawson with his Life Membership Certificate.  It was
good to see Wor.  Bro. Gordon Harrison who now makes his home in B.C.  Wor. Bro.
Peck was presented  with a Past Master’s jewel by Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell  one
of his sponsors.  The other  sponsor was Wor. Bro. Maurice Broverman. Lodge
closed in peace and harmony at 10:15  p.m with the brethren gathering in the
dining room for refreshments.

Emergent Meeting , 2nd of June 1999:

This was the evening for the Annual B.B.Q. Although the
weather was rather threatening, a goodly crowd gathered at the Masonic Centre
where the culinary skills of Vy.Wor. Bro. Lloyd Moar assisted by Bro Junior
Warden (Bro. Wayne Wozny) and his merry band of “sous chefs” excelled
themselves with steaks, hot dogs, etc.

Regular Meeting , 21st of September 1999:

The first meeting of the Fall Masonic year got off to a good
start. Wor. Bro. Jim Mouland presented a very comprehensive report of the 144 th
Annual Communication of Grand Lodge held in Toronto in July.  During the summer,
our Honorary Tyler, Bro. Orville Manary passed to the Grand Lodge Above. To fill
this vacancy Bro. Colin Brown was invested as Honorary Tyler  by Rt. Wor. Bro.
George Clauson . We were informed by the Wor. Master that Grand Lodge has
selected as their Millennium Project a Masonic Foundation of Ontario program
called “Help- 2-Hear”which will have a two year window. The objective is to
establish a two million dollar capital fund over the next two years . The fund
will provide the necessary funding to continue the research in the early
detection of hearing loss in babies and infants and to guide them through an
appropriate treatment strategy. Each Lodge is urged to raise at least $1,500.00
per year over the next two years. Vy. Wor. Bro. Jim Ham is the Lodge
representative. We are also encouraged  to vigorously pursue the Friend – to-
Friend and Brother -to- Brother campaigns. Our representatives for these
campaigns are Vy. Wor. Jim Ham and Bro. David Peate. It was great to see and
hear Rt. Wor. Bro. George Clauson take over as Lodge Organist after his year as
D.D.G.M.. Bro. Lorne King was presented with the Collar and Apron of a Grand
Steward along with the title of Vy.Worshipful for his handling the duties of
District Secretary last year. A job well done. Lodge closed in peace and harmony
at 9:15 p.m.

The Lodge is extremely fortunate in now having seven Grand
Lodge Officers i.e. Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Pell(DDGM 1980/81), Rt. Wor. Bro. George
Clauson (DDGM 1998/99), Vy. Wor. Bro. Charles Sharp(District Secretary 1970/71),
Vy. Bro. Jim Ham (Grand Steward 1986), Vy. Wor. Bro. Lloyd Moar ( Grand Standard
Bearer 1994), Vy. Wor. Bro. Lyle Francis (Grand Steward 1997), and Vy. Wor. Bro.
Lorne King (District Secretary 1998/99), Grand Steward.

Regular Meeting, 19th of  October 1999:

In lieu of Degree work, this meeting was devoted to Masonic
Education. Papers were presented by R.W.Bro. George Clauson; V.W.Bro. Lyle
Francis (1st Degree charity Charge); W.Bro. Graham Oldford; W.Bro. Maurice
Broverman gave an extremely interesting paper on the Jewish interpretation of
the word “charity”. There apparently is no direct translation to the word
“charity” in the Jewish language so that his talk was most informative and
different. W.Bro. Layton Peck sent some material along as he was sick with the
flu. W.Bro. Les Richardson of Civil Service Lodge, and District 1 leader for the
Grand Lodge Millennium Project “Help – 2 – Hear”, spoke on this Project which
will run for two years , and hopefully raise over two million dollars for
neonatal hearing. Each lodge is urged to take on a project of their own and
raise at least $1500.00 per year for the years 2000 and 2001. Bro. Dave
Armstrong, S.W., gave a moving interpretation of the Tracing Board lecture in
the first degree. All in all, a different, but most interesting evening. The
only drawback was that only 30 members and friends were present.

No Emergent meeting in November.

Regular meeting, 16th of November 1999:

D.D.G.M. Official Visit.

Lodge opened promptly at 7:00 p.m. by the W.M W. Bro. James
Mouland.  W.Bro. Graham Oldford, DOC, was asked to retire and introduce the
delegation of present and past Grand Lodge officers, including V.W.Bro. Lorne
King who received his Grand Lodge appointment as Grand Steward for the excellent
job he did as District secretary , Ottawa District 1, in 1998/99. The DOC
retired for a second time to introduce a large group of Shriners, members of the
Oriental Band. Lastly, R.W.Bro. George Clauson retired to present R.W.Bro. Paul
E Todd, D.D.G.M. Ottawa District 1, 1999/2000 on this his official

On completion of the usual business. Lodge was called from
labour to refreshment for the space of one hour so that the brethren could  sit
down to a  pot luck supper in the dining room . The J.W.Bro. Wayne Wozny
exhibited his culinary skills and  assisted by the wives of some of our
brethren, produced a most enjoyable meal and desserts.

At approximately 9:00 p.m., Lodge reconvened in the first
degree and immediately opened in the Fellowcraft degree. W.Bro. Graham Oldford
read a paper on the Working Tools of the Degree and their symbolism. It was well
received. This was followed by Bro. Ron Taylor giving a flawless presentation of
the Working Tools charge. Lodge was raised to the third degree . Bro. Daniel
Azzi was escorted to the near East by the DOC where he proved himself a Master
Mason. The required questions were asked by V.W.Bro. Jim Ham, followed by a
request from the S.W. for Bro. Azzi to repeat his obligation. An excellent
response by Bro. Azzi. Two of the newer brethren, viz: Bro. Marvin Mooney and
Bro. Kenneth Bowker were asked to come to the near East where they were
presented with their Master Mason Certificates. This was followed by R.W.Bro.
George Clauson giving a very complete explanation of the makeup and characters
on the MM Certificate – interesting. Lodge was closed in the third and second
degrees respectively.

Returning to the first degree, the W.M requested W.Bro.
Walter Webb to approach the near East where he was presented  with his 50 year
pin and card by R.W.Bro. George Clauson.. The members of the Oriental Band were
asked to join W.Bro. Webb on the level. He is a member and leader of the Band.
The W.M .told us that in 1985 ,when he was initiated,  W.Bro. Webb was the

Near the close of the meeting , the W.M. called for the
brethren to observe a moment of silence in memory of our Honorary Bro. M.W.Bro.
Sam Leach , who passed to the Grand Lodge on 09 November. We will miss Bro.

As the last speaker, the D.D.G.M. gave a very interesting and
inspiring Masonic paper, it was well received. He then proceeded to inform us
that Lodge of Fidelity had the best turnout at the Masonic Grand Lodge of
Instruction presented at the Ottawa Masonic Centre on 30 October and therefore
had won the prize of a camera.  This he presented to V.W.Bro. Jim Ham as the
Lodge representative of the Masonic Foundation of Ontario with the suggestion
that it be raffled off at some future date with the proceeds going to the “Help
– 2 – Hear Project”. Lodge closed in peace and harmony at 10.25 p.m.

No Emergent meeting in December

Regular Meeting, 21st of December:

The joy of Christmas.  Per our custom, Lodge opened at 5:30
p.m with the required number of brethren in the chairs. Bro. Ron Taylor was Jr.
Warden; R.W.Bro. George Clauson was Sr. Warden; V.W.Bro. Lorne King was IPM, and
W.Bro. Lee Reid was IG. W.Bro. Lee Reid, a long time member of Fidelity is the
W.M. of Osiris Lodge , Smiths Falls.  After dispensing with the usual business,
the meeting closed with the brethren adjourning to the lounge to join the other
brethren, wives and friends before moving to the dining room for the usual
Christmas turkey dinner . A crowd of slightly over 100 people enjoyed the
evening which ended with a singsong in the lounge.


Regular Meeting, 18th of January 2000:

We have entered the millennium year and the new century. We
also are into the worst endemic flu season. It is world wide and affecting
seniors more than the younger generation. This may account for us having only 24
brethren out at our meeting. The Wor. Master programmed this meeting to be one
of Masonic Education with each of the Officers describing their Office. It was
apparent that a great deal of research was applied by the brethren. The
following offices were described , Sr.Warden, Bro. Dave Armstrong; Jr. Warden,
Bro. Wayne Wozny; Deacons, Bro. Peter Rippstein, Sr. Deacon; Stewards, Bro. Jim
Lowe; Inner guard, Bro. Dave Coomber; Tyler, W.Bro. Jim Dowd; IPM,  W.Bro. Norm
Allingham; Organist, R.W.Bro. George Clauson; Historian,  W.Bro. Jim Ham;
Chaplain, W.Bro. Glenn Melling.  A ballot was held on the Application for
Affiliation presented by Bro. Brian Vansickle, a former member of Prince of
Wales Lodge. The ballot was favourable. Bro. Vansickle was presented with a copy
of the Lodge By-Laws and the booklet – Lodge History , 125 years, 1870 to 1995.
Bro. Vansickle presented to the Lodge, a handcrafted area rug ( approx. 3ft.by 5
ft.) Showing the Square and Compasses in the centre, surrounded by Masonic
symbols in each of the corners. Bro. Vansickle said that the rug had been in his
family for 5 generations. R.W.Bro. Clauson suggested that the rug be displayed
in front of the Master at each meeting, his suggestion was readily accepted.
After hearing a presentation from the Wor. Master, Lodge closed in peace and
harmony at 9:45 p.m.

Regular Meeting, 15th of February 2000:

As there was no suitable candidate, the W.M. Wor. Br. Jim
Mouland planned an evening of Masonic Education. Wor. Bro. Douglas Franklin,
Chairman of Masonic Education, Ottawa District 1, a member of St. Andrew’s
lodge, No. 560,. gave a very interesting paper on “Three Outstanding Canadian
Masons .” These turned out to be Rt.Hon. Sir John A. MacDonald;  Lt.Colonel
Arthur William Currie; a brilliant WW1 military officer;  and Bro. Miles Gilbert
(Tim) Horton, the founder of Tim Horton’s doughnuts, and a member of the Toronto
Maple Leafs Hockey Team in the early 40’s..  Lodge closed in peace and harmony
at approx. 9:15 p.m.

Regular Meeting, 21st of March 2000:

In preparation for the BIG Chili Cook-Off scheduled for 01
April at the Ottawa Masonic Centre, the evening started early with a sit down
supper at 6:30 p.m.. The menu of course was Chili. Six hopeful batches of Chili
were tasted by the brethren with the winner being that prepared by Marlene
Clauson.  Rt. Wor. Bro. George Clauson and Marlene will represent Lodge of
Fidelity at the “Cook – Off”. The idea behind the Chili contest is to raise
money for the HELP – 2 – HEAR  project. The idea started with Ottawa District 2
issuing the challenge to Ottawa District 1. Each Lodge in each District is
permitted to enter one team.

After the meal , the brethren assembled in Lodge Room 1, for
the regular meeting . As there was no candidate , or work, the Wor. Master
planned the evening as one of Masonic Education. Accordingly, this became “Step
Up” night where Bro. Sr. Warden,(Bro. Dave Armstrong) opened and closed the
lodge in the three degrees. Bro. Armstrong gave a flawless presentation of the
Fellowcraft Tracing Board lecture as he has not had the opportunity to do it
this Masonic year. Lodge closed in peace and harmony at 9:15 p.m.

Emergent Meeting, 4th of  April 2000:

The big “Chili Cook-Off’ took place on 01 April as planned.
Unfortunately, our excellent entry of chili made by Marlene Clauson and Rt. Wor.
Bro. George Clauson did not win.

The Emergent evening began with the W. M. Bro. Jim Mouland
welcoming the W.M. of St Andrew’s Lodge,No. 560, Wor. Bro. Don Lamont, and a
goodly numbers of members of that Lodge, plus Bro. Mark Tracy , a Fellowcraft
Mason who was to be raised to Master Mason by our Lodge members . The evening
went very well. Fidelity members that participated were; Bro Duncan Lunam –
Questions;  Bros Rippstein and Parsons – Deacons;  Bro. Dave Coomber – Working
Tools;  Bro. Glenn Melling Chaplain;  Bro Wayne Wozny – J.W;  Bro. Dave
Armstrong – S.W;  V.W.Bro. Lloyd Moar – Dark Work;  V.W.Bro. Jim Ham –
Traditional History;  Rt.Wor. Bro. George Clauson – Signs, etc;  W.Bro. Graham
Oldford – Secrets; and W.Bro. Norman Allingham – IPM Charge. The Obligation was
given by W.Bro. Don Lamont.  Lodge closed in peace and harmony at 9:15

Regular Meeting, 18th of April 2000:

Elections and the Memorial service are again upon the Lodge.
The turnout is very small with only 24 brethren and three visitors. The
following Officers were elected: Bro. David Armstrong, Wor. Master Elect; Bro.
Wayne Wozny, Senior Warden; Bro. Peter Rippstein, Junior Warden; Bro. Ronald
Taylor, Senior Deacon; Bro. David Coomber, Junior Deacon; Bro. Stewards  – to be
announced ( Bro. Jim Lowe, who would have gone from Jr. to Sr. Steward declined
to move up). Bro. Bruce Davis stated that 200/2001 will be his last year as
Secretary; Wor. Bro. Hal Miller offered his services again as Treasurer; Bro.
Colin Brown was elected as Tyler. Bro. Inner Guard still has to be filled,
probably by Bro. David Peate.

The memorial Service honoured the passing during the year 01
June 1999 to 30 April 2000 of the following Brethren; Bro. Orville Manary, Bro.
Herb Popp; M.W.Bro. Sam Leach; Bro. George Nelms; Bro. Edgar

The Wor. Master gave a very comprehensive report of his year
as Worshipful Master, particularly thanking all those that gave him supprt and
guidance during his year. Although the Lodge did not have any new initiations
or  affiliations, the many evenings of Masonic Education proved most interesting
and helpful to the Brethren. Lodge closed in peace and harmony at 9:15 p.m.

2001 – 2024: (COMING SOON)

Lodge of Fidelity No. 231 Ottawa, Canada. All rights